  • 學位論文


A Study on Drinking and Driving of R.O.C Military

指導教授 : 蕭宏金


因近年來酒駕事件層出不窮,其中也包含了國軍人員,嚴禁酒駕已成為國軍軍紀安全政策之一,而軍人於服役期間被民眾當作國家的財產,以高道德標準來看待,除了一般的罰則外,還有陸海空刑法的懲處。民國108年國防部配合立法院修法加重酒駕罰則;另於109年修頒「拒絕酒測等同酒駕行為」,如此重的懲罰是否真的有效解決軍人酒後駕車行為? 本研究先參考酒後駕車相關文獻資料,再以政府的次級資料進行分析,最後抽樣新北市某營區所屬同仁,採質性研究中的訪談法為主要研究方法,深入了解同仁們家庭背景與對於酒後駕車行為的認知,並且檢視國防部修法成效、酒駕防制政策及宣導等相關作為是否有效? 經分析整理相關資料後,本研究建議如下:1、加強家庭教育,經訪談後了解家庭教育深深影響個人的行為,如有正確觀念加上政策宣導酒駕的嚴重性,必能有效防治。2、留意酒精殘值,配合自我檢測,有了正確酒駕觀念後,就特別需要注意細節,如飲酒後隔日要駕車需加強檢測,將肇事率降至最低。3、修改不適懲罰及行政程序,如有案件發生除傷害軍隊榮譽外,也必定影響單位的戰訓本務及氣氛,冀能減少無義意的行程檢討會議及連坐法,以維持部隊士氣,讓單位迅速恢復正軌,上述建議期能有效降低國軍人員酒後駕車肇生率。


酒駕 酒後駕車 軍人酒駕


In recent years, there have been endless drunk driving incidents, including military personnel. The prohibition of drunk driving has become a major national military policy. After drunk driving, in addition to the general criminal and administrative penalties.In 2019, the Ministry of National Defense revised the law to increase the penalties for drinking and driving. In 2010, it revised and promulgated "Refusal to drink test is equivalent to drunk driving. Is such a heavy punishment really effective in solving military personnel? This research first refers to the literature and materials related to drunk driving, and then analyzes the secondary data of the government. Finally, it samples the colleagues belonging to a certain camp in New Taipei City. Is it effective to recognize the behavior of drinking and driving, and to review the effectiveness of the Ministry of National Defense’s law amendments, drinking-driving prevention policies, and advocacy? The research suggests the following: 1.Strengthen family education. After interviews, we understand that family education deeply affects individual behavior. The correct concept and policy advocating the severity of drunk driving will surely be effective. 2.Pay attention to the alcohol residual value and cooperate with self-test. Once you have a correct concept of drunk driving, you need to pay special attention to the details, and strengthen the test the next day after drinking to minimize the accident rate. 3.Reduce unintentional itinerary review meetings and consecutive sittings, so as to maintain the morale of the troops and let The unit quickly returned to the right track. The above-mentioned recommended period can effectively reduce the incidence of drunk driving among the national army.


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