  • 學位論文


Social support affects the intention of tourism among the patients with hemodialysis, diabetic patients, and the general public

指導教授 : 鄭雅愛 羅英瑛




The purpose of this study is to find out how social support affects the intention of tourism among the patients with hemodialysis, diabetic patients, and the general public. It is quantitative with convenience sampling to choose fifty patients with hemodialysis from dialysis room, fifty diabetic patients from diabetes education room of one southern clinic and fifty common people, one hundred and fifty cases in all. The questionnaire contains the “personal information”, “social support questionnaire”, and “the intension of tourism”, which is adopted by SPSS 18.0 system software with descriptive statistical analysis, paired t tests, one way anova, explanation regression analysis-enter to carry on the analysis of data. The results show that: First, there are significant differences in the patients with hemodialysis, diabetic patients, and the general public between formally and informally social support. Second, there are significant differences in the patients with hemodialysis, diabetic patients, and the general public between formally and informally intention of tourism. Third, there are significant differences in the patients with hemodialysis, diabetic patients, and the general public in social support of formal support system. Fourth, social support has a noticeable effect on the intention of tourism in formal system. Fifth, social support has a positive noticeable effect on the intention of tourism in informal system. The conclusion of the study shows that illness affects the patients ‘intention of tourism and high social support also does.


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