  • 學位論文


A study on the factors of willingness to Retain in Army for Recruit Training Unit

指導教授 : 林皆興 吳岱栖


因應兵役制度轉型及組織變革,多數的志願役官兵在役期服滿後選擇退伍,造成人才的流失,不僅會對國軍基層部隊戰力維持造成影響,更會形成國防訓練成本大量挹注的情形,故如何讓在營服役之志願役人員能繼續留營服役是為重要的議題;為改變各界對軍隊刻板印象,陸軍推行「革新內部管理」政策,在行銷策略、待遇及管理等方面,積極推動政策改革,透過落實合理化領導、重視軍中人權改革、積極改善生活設施、精進公餘進修管道、提升從軍薪資待遇、健全退輔照顧輔導等作為,期提升官兵留營意願。 組織改革後,新訓單位從後備體系移入陸軍體系,本研究目的在於了解陸軍新訓單位志願役官士兵所關注的各項留營因素,在制度、管理、實務及人員心態極度轉變之下,驗證當前各項措施是否能滿足及增進留營意願,深入分析並針對驗證結果提出有效改進意見,進而有效提高留營服役意願,積極留住專業人才,永續發展國防戰力。 本研究採問卷調查法方式,探討志願役官兵之留營因素為主軸,並以南部地區陸軍新兵訓練單位之志願役人員為研究對象,合計發出420份問卷,扣除填答不全、規律性作答之無效問卷,實得有效問卷334份,問卷有效率為82%。研究顯示官兵在內在因素之工作特性、領導統御及外在因素之生涯規劃、家庭因素、工作滿意度、價值觀與留營意願有顯著影響。


Due to the impact of the reformation of the military service system and organizational streamline, most volunteer soldiers, including the talent, intend not to continue military service while their service time is up. The losses of the talent like such erode not only the basic level of military manpower but the huge amount of costs ever paid for the well-trained who are, eventually, not intended to stay as long as expected. Thus, how to retain the volunteer soldiers in the military is an important issue to tackle with. To improve the general public’s stereotype impression upon the to-be-improved-military, the ROC Army has the “Policy of Internal Management Reformation” on the go, mainly to improve marketing strategy, salary structure, leadership awareness& skills, infrastructure & installation, channels for further studies, human right issues and veteran service. In accordance with the military organizational transformation, Recruit Training Centers were transferred from the Reserve Command to the Army. This study aims to find out the factors affecting the volunteer soldiers’intention to continue military service, and, to verify if the improved measures as mentioned above can satisfy and/or enhance their willingness to keep serving in the military so as to have the talent work as the combat power for national defense, specifically in such a dramatic change of military system transformation, various management requirements and individual attitudes. This research conducts questionnaire survey from the selected 420 volunteer cadres and soldiers of the Recruit Training Center in southern Taiwan. Among which, 334 questionnaires are valid with 82% valid rate. The finding shows that both of the individual factors (i.e., life-long planning, family issues, job satisfaction and view of value) and the environmental factors (i.e., characteristics of working environment and leadership issues) of the study samples are significant correlated with the intention to continue serving in the military.


