  • 學位論文


Research on the Development Issues of Social Enterprise in Mainland China

指導教授 : 吳文彥


21世紀初,世界經濟局勢動盪而且非常不穩定。2007年間爆發了世界經濟危機,美國、希臘及義大利等國家紛紛遭遇或正面臨著國家財政危機。這不只是各個國家自身的問題,其影響到周邊國家以及世界經濟的發展。在世界經濟局勢非常不穩定之下,各國不約而同採取了削減國家開支的政策。其中最令人矚目的是,歐洲傳統福利國家採取了削減社會福利支出的措施。此措施在於目前的社會福利制度下,國家的財政已經不能負擔巨額的福利開支。這樣會使到弱勢群體以及貧困地區社會福利的嚴重不足,同時也會帶來社會福利組織的萎縮及危機。世界各國因為急速的老齡化、弱勢群體就業難、環境污染、收入兩極化、社會福利設施不足等社會問題,對社會福利方面的需求會越來越多。 中國大陸作為發展中的國家,亦需要去面對同類的困難與問題。社會企業作為一種現代社會新興的營運方式,這概念由2004年引入後,已漸漸地在中國大陸發展起來。本文對中國大陸當前社會企業發展由來、發展現狀及進展進行了概括描述、分析和探索。同時,我們亦把英國社會企業的發展及運作方式與現況作出說明,再以兩國的情況作出比較及分析後,給予中國大陸社會企業發展提出總結與建議。


The global economy has been very unstable since the early 21st century. After the financial turmoil in 2007, many countries such as United States, Greece and Italy have faced or are facing financial crisis. It is not a country’s own problem and the crisis spreads to other countries in the region as well as the global economy. Under the circumstances of unstable economic situation, many countries implement a contractionary fiscal policy and reduce government spending. One of the most notable measures is the reduction of social welfare offered by the European traditional welfare states. The welfare expenditure is a huge burden and it is not sustainable. However, socially vulnerable groups and poor regions are largely affected by the reduction of social welfare. It also shrinks the scale of social welfare organizations. Moreover, with the development of the ageing of population, employment difficulties experienced by socially vulnerable groups, pollutions, income polarization, lack of public amenities and other social problems, the demand of social welfare is increasing dramatically. As a developing country, Mainland China also has to deal with the same difficulties and problems. Social enterprise is a new development for modern social governance. Since the introduction of this concept to Mainland China in 2004, it has been developing gradually in recent years. This article will try to characterize, analyze and explore the origin, development and progress of social enterprises in Mainland China. Furthermore, we will compare and analyze the development and operating model of social enterprises in United Kingdom with Mainland China’s. Lastly, this article will provide conclusion with some suggestions and countermeasures to the development of social enterprises in Mainland China.


[1]于曉敏、丁開傑(2011),社會企業發展路徑: 國際比較及中國經驗,中國行政管理,第8 期 。
