  • 學位論文


The Study on the Customers, Service Quality Strategy of Mobile Store with Kano Model

指導教授 : 楊文華


台灣零售消費市場中實體和虛擬通路極為龐大,顧客在零售通路消費時,難免會發生黑心商品、商標仿冒、消費糾紛、誇大不實廣告及賣場傷害事件等。所謂的「行動百貨」是實體通路的一環,雖然是以臨時、短期性的賣場及促銷活動方式銷售商品,但當消費行為產生糾紛時,仍應確保顧客有申訴或處理的管道,以滿足顧客的需求及提升顧客的滿意程度。此外,經營臨時賣場的企業必須要了解哪些服務品質是目標消費群重視和需要改善的。重視顧客需要的提升以服務吸引顧客再度前來消費,是提昇企業競爭及創造企業的核心價值。 本研究利用 Kano 模式將行動百貨的服務品質要素,採相對多數的分類方式將要素歸納為五大項:魅力品質、一維品質、當然品質、無差異品質、反轉品質。在透過問卷調查後,本研究得到以下的結論: 一、在探討的30個品質要素中,大部份要素均具有二維品質特性,有14項為無差異品質,有16項具有反轉品質的特性。 二、除婚姻變項外,不同人口統計變項的消費者,對行動百貨的Kano二維品質要素歸類上有顯著差異。 三、透過顧客滿意矩陣圖分析,落於第一象限之行動百貨關鍵服務品質項目共計有8項。


There are numerous physical and virtual channels in Taiwan’s consumption market. Consumer disputes such as contaminated food, trademark counterfeiting, consumption disputes, exaggerated advertisement, and injury events always happen. The "Mobile Store", one of the physical channels, sells products by using temporary marketplace and short-term promotion. When consumer disputes occurred, the mobile store should ensure to deal with customer’s complaints, to satisfy customers’ needs and to enhance customers’ satisfaction. Besides, mobile store operators must understand consumers’ emphasized service quality in order to increase the competitiveness and create the company’s core value. In this study, according to the Kano model, the service quality of mobile store is classified into five elements: attractive quality, one-dimensional quality, must-be quality, no interest (indifferent) quality, reverse quality. After questionnaire survey, the conclusions of the study are as followed. 1. Among the thirty service quality elements, fourteen items belong to no interest (indifferent) quality, and sixteen items to reverse quality. 2. Consumers with different statistical traits (except marriage) will classify service quality of mobile store differently. 3. Eight critical service qualities are extracted by consumer satisfaction matrix analysis.


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