  • 學位論文


Visual Expression And Application through Light-Shadow, Reality-Illusion in Photography

指導教授 : 徐洵蔚


摘 要 攝影自19世紀發展至今,隨著時代的演進,不論在技術或理念,皆有很大的轉變,在技術方面由底片顯影進入數位影像,攝影創作也由寫真紀錄邁向主觀意念的表現,此一轉變使得攝影創作有了多元而豐富的變化,成為影像藝術重要的一種表現形式。在這段長時間發展的過程中,唯一不變的就是讓影像得以呈現與視覺可辨視的要素─光影。它是攝影創作最基本的也是最重要的要素,無光影則無法表現影像。因此本研究創作既以光影與視覺的關係探討攝影創作新的可能性。 在技法的運用方面以數位相機為器材擷取自然光源與現實景物(建築體為主)為元素,透過視覺對「光影」變化的感受,直觀攝影與概念應用來呈顯創作。 在具體實踐方面,本研究創作之作品分為:〈一〉光影虛實與視覺的關係。〈二〉光影與空間介面的關係。二個系列來表現創作形式,應用反光、透光、直接光與景物視覺交互轉化產生的虛實、空間、角度、時間與光影的變化及各種層次相互交疊,將視覺觀察的物像透過攝影表現轉變為具體影像,呈顯影像藝術中個人的視覺表現。


攝影 光影 虛實 空間介面 視覺表現


Abstract In either skills or concepts, photography has changed a lot through age ever since the nineteenth century. In skills, photographic-plate-developed picture has transformed into digital images. Photographic creation, in the meantime, is expanded from realistic and documentary records to various subjectively expressed themes. As a result, photographic creation presents abundant variety and plays an important role in creating visual art forms. In the long-term process of development, the only effect never changed is light-shadow element to make images well-recognized and identified. Light-shadow is the basic and the most important element for photographic creation. No well-presented images can be expressed without good light-shadow effect. The research, therefore, focuses on the relation between light-shadow and visual expression and search for new possibilities for photographic creation. In practical skill application, I take digital camera as equipment; realistic subjects (mainly buildings) in natural light condition are presented and expressed in various effects. In the process, light-shadow is the main element for the various creation. In actual practice, the creation works are divided into two parts. First: the relation between light-shadow and reality-illusion visual expression. Second: the relation between light-shadow and space interface. The method is applying different sources of light (direct light, opposite light, light-through) to make visually transformed images presented in various perspectives, realistic, illusion, space, angles, even overlapping of time and light are included. Through photographic creation, I try to present concrete images as individual visual expression creation.


參 考 文 獻
(1) 呂清夫,1984,《造形原理》,雄獅圖書出版,台北市。
(2) 章光和,2000,"複製真實—後現代攝影創作構思系統之論述與實踐",《田園城市》,台北。
(3) 黃嘉勝,2007.8,《黃嘉勝教授攝影學術論文集》,國立台中師範學院彙編,台中。
