  • 學位論文


The Study of Decisions Factors of Parents Selection the After-School Programs of Their Senior of Elementary School Children

指導教授 : 張鐵軍


摘要 隨著台灣少子化問題日趨嚴峻,國小課後輔導班(或安親班)的生源也急速減少。相對的,隨著台灣教育改革政策的推行,家長也越來越兼顧重視孩子的課業成績與才藝學習,並希望自己的小孩能因此就讀擁有更佳升學率的國中。基此,學童家長在選擇國小高年級學童課後輔導班的決策時,主要是受到價格知覺、師資、設施與設備、口碑、學習成效、交通便利、服務效能及教材等因素影響,然而究竟哪些因素是家長選擇課後輔導班時的主要考量因素?本研究以台中市學童家長為研究對象,並以便利抽樣做問卷調查,共發出問卷342份,有效問卷回收269份(有效問卷回收率為78.65%)。主要研究結果如下: 1.台灣中部地區國小高年級學童家長選擇課後輔導班考量之因素,以學習成效、師資、價格知覺為最重視的決策因素,多數家長會依據孩子在學習成效上成績是否有明顯進步判斷課程價值,以及課後輔導班的老師是否具有豐富的教學經驗(或是名師),其次才是重視課後輔導班各項收費標準是否標示清楚及收費價格符合家長的預算等。 2.不同背景變項家長在為學童選擇課後輔導班的決策因素差異: (1)不同「子女數」家長在選擇課後輔導班最重視之構面排序最高為「價格知覺」及「學習成效」。(2)不同「子女年級」家長在選擇課後輔導班最重視之因素為「學習成效」。 最後,研究建議,課後輔導班在設計招生相關文宣或場域布置上,應重視學習成效與師資精良等訊息的陳述與展示,以更能獲得家長的睛睞。 關鍵詞:課後輔導班、國小高年級、師資、學習成效、價格知覺


Abstract As the birth rate decreasing severely, the business of after-school programs is rapidly declining. On the contrary, as the process of Taiwan educational reform, parents are paying more and more attention to children's academic performance and talent learning and hope their children can enter a junior high school which have proper enrollment rate. It's indicated that the parents are effected by price perception, teaching qualities, facilities, reputation, learning outcome, convenient transportation, service efficiency, teaching material, and so on in choosing after-school programs of the upper grades of elementary school for their children. However, what are the key factors that those parents are concerned? The study focused on the parents in Taichung city by convenience sampling of 342 questionnaires, and 269 valid sample. The following is the result: Frist, in Taichung city, the parents whose children are studying in the upper grades of elementary school care the most about learning outcome, qualified teachers and price perception. First, the parents would judge whether their children's learning outcome have obvious improvement and whether the teachers of after-school programs have rich experience in teaching. Secondly, whether the prices are presented clearly and under their budgets. Then, the difference between the parents with different backgrounds in choosing after-school programs for their children: (1) The parents who have different number of children care the most about “Price perception” and ”Learning outcome” in choosing after-school programs for their children. (2) The parents whose children are in different grades consider “Learning outcome” is the most important factor. Finally, the study suggests that after-school programs should pay more attention to describing and displaying the information about learning outcome and qualified teachers in designing their flyers and decorating their sites in order to gain the parents' favor. Keywords: the after-school programs, the upper grades of elementary school, teaching qualities, learning outcome, price perception


