  • 學位論文


A Survey Study on the Current Situation of Implementing Life Education of the Kindergarten in Nantou County

指導教授 : 林楚欣


本研究的主要目的在於探討南投縣幼兒園生命教育實施現況、困境與成效;並探討不同背景的教保人員在實施生命教育後幼兒接受生命教育後的成效差異。本研究採問卷調查法與訪談法進行,共回收335份問卷,回收率82%。再訪問10位教保人員,歸納本研究結果如下: 一、南投縣幼兒園生命教育實施之現況 (一)生命教育實施之方式前五名依序為:隨機教學、繪本教學、口頭講授、種植與飼養、親子教育推廣活動。 (二)生命教育的課程內容前五名依序為:認識及愛護自己的身體、培養良好生活習慣、愛護自然環境、體會與人分享的快樂、肯定自己並建立自信心。 (三)實施生命教育的相關資訊來源前五名依序是:閱讀書籍雜誌、參加研習講座、網路系統、教學觀摩、電視電台。 二、幼兒園實施生命教育所遇之困境 研究結果顯示教保人員勾選之困境前五名依序為:教學資訊資源不足、實施生命教育經驗不足,不知如何進行教學、沒有足夠時間、家長配合與接受度不高、課程易受環境空間限制。 三、南投縣幼兒園實施生命教育之成效 (一)以「人與他人」生命教育層面的得分最高。 (二)「學生時期曾修習生命教育課程」、「課程包含生命教育比例」在整體與四個層面上均達到顯著差異。 (三)教保人員參與研習後,教學技巧更精進,實施成效較高。 最後,本研究針對上述結論,對幼兒教育行政單位、幼兒園、教保人 員與未來從事相關研究者提出相關建議,作為日後規劃或實施生命教育及 未來研究之參考。 關鍵字:生命教育、幼兒園、教保人員


教保人員 幼兒園 生命教育


The main purpose of this research is to explore the current situation of implementing life education of the kindergarten in Nantou County, its difficulty and results.In order to achieve the above-mentioned purpose this research adopted questionnaire investigation method and interview method. In total 335 questionnaires were recovered and the recovery rate was 82%. Afterward interview 10 teachers and this research result can be summed up as follows: 1. The present condition of the implementation of life education in kindergarten of Nantou (1)According to order, the first five methods of implementing life education in the kindergarten of Nantou County is: random teaching, drawing teaching, verbal teaching, plantation and raising, parental care education popularization activity. (2)According to order the first five course content of life education is: understand and care about one’s body, cultivate good living habits, care for the natural environment, experience the happiness of sharing with others. (3)According to order, the first five information source of implementation of life education in kindergarten of Nantou County is: books and magazines reading, study and lecture participation, network system, teaching observation and TV and radio station. 2. Difficulties encountered during implementation of life education in the kindergarten in Nantou County The research results shows that according to order, difficulty selected by teachers is: insufficient teaching information resource, insufficient experience for implementation of life education, do not know how to conduct teaching, not enough time, cooperation and acceptance by parents are not high and the course is easily limited by the environment space. 3. The result of implementing life education by kindergarten in Nantou County (1)After the child receives life education, the scoring of the life education aspect of 「people and others」 is the highest. (2)「life education course was studied during the student period」 and 「the percentage of the course with life education」 could all reach a significant difference in overall or the four aspects. (3)After the teacher participated in the study, there will be more in-depth understanding on 「people and environment」 and 「people and the universe」 and teaching skill is more refined. Finally, based on the above-mentioned conclusion, this research presents relevant suggestions to child education administration unit, kindergarten, teacher and researchers engaging in relevant research as a reference for planning or implementing life education in the future and future research. Keywords:Kindergarten, Teacher, Life Education


Kindergarten Life Education Teacher


吳庶深 (2009)。開展幼兒繪本的生命力-探討幼兒生命教育繪本的內涵及


