  • 學位論文


The Study of Managerial Performance Evaluation for Public Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Markets

指導教授 : 張健邦


政府肩負有確立果菜運銷秩序,調節供需,促進公平交易之責任,目前我國過半數之果菜批發市場係屬公營,惟97年度公營果菜批發市場本業經營結果,半數以上營業收入無法支應營業費用。如何提昇公營果菜批發市場之經營績效,使其能永續發展,持續服務農民與消費者,落實其政策任務,實為政府亟待檢討改善之重要課題。 適當的績效評估機制,能夠有效改進企業的經營與管理活動品質,使其更加的有效率。本研究主要目的在為公營果菜批發市場建構出一套公平、客觀之經營績效評估模式,提供管理決策或考核之參據。首先以資料包絡分析法CCR產出導向模式為基礎衡量各公營果菜批發市場97年單一年度之經營績效,並依績效高低程度予以排名;再者,以麥氏生產力指數評估各公營果菜批發市場95年度至97年度效能變動情形,結果發現自95年度以來共有11家公司(佔40.74%)總效能係呈現衰退趨勢;最後,透過營運績效管理矩陣分析,綜觀靜態及動態跨期經營績效,可提供各公營果菜公司之短期檢討改善暨規劃長期經營策略之參據。


Duty for government is keeping the order of sales and shipping, adjusting the supply and demand of goods, and promoting the fair trade for fruit and vegetable markets. Right now more than half of the fruit and vegetable wholesale markets are public in Taiwan. However, more than half of them cannot balance their incomes and operating costs in 2008. Therefore, promoting and keeping sustainability of the managerial performance in order to give the service to farmers and consumers will be an important issue for our government. An appropriate evaluation system makes managerial activities with more qualities and efficiencies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to build a fair and objective evaluation model which can be used as a basis of policy or reference of checking system for all public fruit and vegetable wholesale markets. First, Based on the CCR-O model from “Data Envelopment Analysis” can measure the managerial performance of them in the single year of 2008. Then, the Malmquist Index evaluates the total effectiveness change from them during 2006 to 2008.Finally, observing the static and dynamic managerial performance through the analysis of matrix method across different years provides a references either in short term of modifications or long term of managerial policies.


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