  • 學位論文


Effect of display type and viewing distance on visual performance and visual fatigue

指導教授 : 吳欣潔


本研究目的為探討在相同視角下視距與顯視器對視覺績效與疲勞的影響。有30位受試者參與此研究,年齡介於19到25歲。實驗的自變項為:呈現設備(電子書閱讀器和投影機)與視覺距離(依顯示螢幕對角線尺寸的1.5倍與3倍為視距;電子書為36公分與72公分,投影機為120公分與240公分)。因變項為:視覺績效(搜尋時間和正確率)與視覺疲勞(閃光融合閾值、視覺疲勞主觀評量)。每位受測者分4天進行4次不同的實驗工作,實驗順序均為隨機方式進行實驗。每次實驗約20分鐘,假文章內文是以隨機的大寫英文字編排,無任何意義,搜尋目標字〝Z〞,隨機出現在假文章。 實驗結果顯示:在固定視角為20分弧度時,對顯示媒介與視距,視覺績效(搜尋時間與正確率)與視覺疲勞(CFF值與主觀評比)都無顯著的影響。使用者觀看投影內容時,在投影機投射畫面的解析度不高,導致在近距離觀看時,對視覺績效有影響。如果要在近距離觀看文字時,建議使用高解析度的媒介。使用電子書與投影機時頭部分別為向下和上仰,此部分差異為何未來可朝這方面進行探討。而極性、色彩與解析度等因素並沒有在本研究做探討,未來的研究可以考慮再往這方面做瞭解。


投影機 視角 視覺疲勞 電子書 視覺績效


The purpose of the study was to explore the influences of the visual distance and monitor on the visual performance and visual fatigue with the same visual angle. 30 participants took part in the study whose ages are between nineteen to twenty-five years old. Independent variables of the experiment are equipment(E-book and projector) and visual distance(1.5 and 3 times of the diagonal line of the screens ; E-book with 36 and 72 cm., Projector with 120 and 240 cm). Dependent variables were visual performance (searching time and accuracy rate) and visual fatigue(subjective evaluation and Critical Fusion Frequency, CFF). Each participant had four different experimental trials in four different days. The sequence of the experiment was in random way and it took about 20 minutes to carry on each experiment. The content of article was compiled with random capital letters, and participants should look for the letter “z”. The results showed that no significant influences were found on visual performance and visual fatigue when the setting of the experiment was at the visual angle of 20 min arc. Because the PPI(pixel per inch) of the projection content is not high, it will lead to negative effect on visual performance when participants watch the projection content at a short distance. This study suggests that the users should utilize high PPI medium while watching in a short distance. The users face downward while using E-books and the users face upward while using the projector. The difference of head posture could be explored in the future. The other factors, such as polarity, color and PPI, could also be discussed in further studies.


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