  • 學位論文


A Means-End Investigation of Cycling Activity Experiences: From the Perspective of Bike Community Members

指導教授 : 何昶鴛 黃淑琴


摘要 在21世紀社會中,休閒活動已儼然成為人類生活之基本需求。而近年來全球吹起休閒環保風,節能減碳蔚為風潮,購買並騎乘自行車成為時下最夯且廣被大眾接受的休閒活動之一。根據交通部統計處「自行車使用狀況調查」摘要分析顯示,台灣地區使用自行車人口推估已達1,030萬人,其中騎乘自行車之主要目的以「休閒、運動、旅行」比例60.5%為最高。以騎乘頻率來看,每週騎乘自行車者比例最高佔40.4%,每週平均騎2.2次;另外,每天騎乘自行車者也有26.5%,顯見國內民眾對自行車活動的愛好。 本研究目的為探究自行車玩家之休閒利益與個人價值內涵,以及當中連結模式,並以自行車社團成員之活動體驗為例,利用開放式問卷,針對60位自行車專門玩家,進行一對一的深度訪談。利用方法目的鏈,逐步引導其說出從事自行車活動的個人價值。研究主要發現有:(1)經內容分析法淬取出14項活動屬性、15項休閒利益與12項價值之三階層要素。(2)各階層最重要的要素分別為,活動屬性中的「活動筋骨」、「結交同好」與「自然景致」;還有休閒利益中的「調劑身心」、「強健體魄」與「突破自我」;以及價值階層當中的「成就感」、「愉悅」、「輕鬆自在」與「期待感」。 另外,透過價值階梯分析顯示,愉悅、成就感、自我實現、輕鬆自在、期待感、歸屬感與安心踏實是自行車活動所獲得的最終價值。本研究基於前述結果,解析自行車社團成員之個人價值內涵與層級,並延伸其管理意涵,以供管理者與後續研究參考。


方法目的鏈 價值 休閒利益


Abstract Leisure activities have officially become one of life’s necessities in 21st century. Since eco-awareness, energy saving and carbon reduction have prevailed globally in recent years, cycling has become one of the most popular leisure activities nowadays. According to a survey of bicycle usage from MOTC (Ministry of Transportation and Communications R.O.C.), the number of people who use bicycles in Taiwan has approximately reached 10.3 million, and to 60.5% of them, which make up the highest proportion, cycling means “leisure, sport, and travel”. In terms of the frequency of cycling, the weekly-cyclers ride averagely 2.2 times per week, accounting for the highest proportion, 40.4%. Besides, 26.5% of cyclers ride bicycles everyday. Obviously, cycling has been proven to be a popularized hobby in Taiwan. This research aims at the revelation of leisure benefits and personal values of cyclers, and the connection between these two factors. By using an open-ended questionnaire based on authentic experiences from members of cycling clubs, 60 cyclers will be interviewed one-to-one. MEC (means-end chain approach) will help to gradually discover the personal values they found through cycling. The main findings of the research contain: (1) the results of content analysis, including 14 activity properties, 15 leisure benefits and 12 personal values (2) the most important factors among the three strata are respectively “stretching the body”, “making friends” and “natural scenery” in activity properties, “physical and mental relaxation”, “fitness improvement” and “self-challenging” in leisure benefits, and “sense of achievement”, “delight”, “being at ease” and “expectation” in personal values. In addition, the value ladder shows that the ultimate values of cycling are delight, sense of achievement, realization of dreams, being at ease, expectation, sense of belonging, and being down-to-earth. On the basis of the results mentioned above, this research is to analyze the personal values of cycling club members and thus an extended management implication will be formed to act as a good reference for managers and related researches.


Value Leisure Benefits Means-End Chain


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