  • 學位論文


Development and Application for a Portable Image Measuring and Control Chart Generating System

指導教授 : 洪弘祈


本研究之目的在於開發一套低成本、簡單易懂、適合現場人員使用、且為可攜式之影像量測系統及管制圖製作系統供業界使用。 本研 究在影像量測系統部份,搭配(Charge-Coupled-Device,CCD)相機及鏡頭,並運用打背光方式透過影像擷取卡,擷取零件之外形輪廓,並運用二值化影像處理將背景與物體分離,以取得更清晰之影像提高量測準確度,本量測系統在可信度方面使用(Measurement System Analysis,MSA)量測系統分析來進行驗證,並分別以變異數分析及長表格法兩種方式,來驗證其結果。在變異數分析部份本系統的過程變異百分比為%GR&R=7.42%、規格公差百分比為P/T=12.09%,在長表格法部份%GR&R=4.58%、P/T=6.67%,兩者皆符合ISO/TS 16949:2002之標準規範內,也符合業界的允收標準內。最後本系統經實際量測後最大誤差值為1.24%,最小誤差值為0.04%。 本研究在管制圖製作系統部份,探討計量值管制圖之使用原理與時機,並運用EXCEL軟體撰寫一套管制圖製作系統,並增加了在業界沒有的微量偏移管制圖,以加強本系統對製程異常之偵測能力。最後本系統所制作的管制圖再與業界所常用之MINITAB軟體進行驗證,其所得結果與MINITAB軟體所呈現之圖形是一致的,是以在準確性方面應是正確無誤的。


The study intends to devise an Image Measuring System and a Control Chart Compilation System that are low cost, easy to learn, portable, and suitable for industry use by on-site personnel. In the Image Measuring System, the study incorporates a camera (CCD) with lens, utilizing an image capture card to retrieve outline of parts with the help of back-light. Threshold image processing is used to distinguish object from the background, so that a clearer image with higher precision of measurement can be obtained. Measurement System Analysis (MSA) has been employed to verify the reliability, and Analysis of Variance and Long Form Method have been used respectively to verify results of MSA. As for the Analysis of Variance, the process variance percentage of this system will be %GR&R = 7.42%, and the standard tolerance will be P/T=12.09%; and %GR&R = 4.58% and P/T=6.67% in the Long Form Method; all results of these two methods conform to range requirements within the ISO/TS I6949:2002 standard and comply with tolerance standards of the industry also. At last, after conducted the process of actual measurement, the maximum error will be 1.24% and minimum error will be 0.04%. In the Control Chart Compilation, the study discusses the principle of, and the timing for, the use of control charts; EXCEL is used for compiling a graphing system for rendering a control chart, and a small-shift control chart which is not commonly applied in the industry has been added in to enhance the capability of detecting process anomalies. At the end, a comparison between this system and MINITAB, a program commonly used by the industry, is carried out for verification, and the result showed that the graph rendered by this system conformed to that rendered by MINITAB; therefore, the accuracy is correct and valid.


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