  • 學位論文


Ecotourism souvenir Design:Taiwan Shir-Ding Community as an example

指導教授 : 曾永玲


生態旅遊有別於傳統大眾旅遊,是著重於環境保育及地方特色的深度旅遊型態。當中生態社區解說服務,提供遊客在潛移默化中體驗自然的樂趣,進而傳達生態永續的精神。本研究目的為協助社頂生態社區開發紀念商品,針對生態旅遊及解說體驗作為探討對象,從旅遊型態切入設計,試圖勾勒出生態旅遊紀念品的樣貌。 研究從前期紀念品開發中,做實際販售測試,發現遊客參與解說體驗後,產生旅遊過程的認知,並從紀念品得到意義連結。所以藉由解說能減少遊客認知落差,達到深度旅遊的意義。本研究在諸多文獻中分析「解說體驗轉化於商品」一問題,將解說體驗比喻成一本述說地方生態的故事書,得到運用故事敘述做為開發生態旅遊紀念品的方法。運用符號學理論,以解碼與編碼的概念,將解說資源拆解、整理成資料庫,作為說故事的材料,再以「劇本法」述說可供設計操作的虛擬故事。本研究以社頂生態社區日間路線作為範本,依生態解說的特性,將故事與解說內容整合成一導覽地圖,最後以故事行銷方式衍生出相關商品。本研究以故事串連生態旅遊服務與商品的整體規劃,得到結論為以下幾點: 1.生態旅遊的特性與精神,可經由故事方式傳達。 2.故事具有解說的性質,透過故事整合社區資源,塑造整體形象,並運用故事建構 旅遊認知,創造新的價值與意義。 3.故事串聯服務與商品,提供整體性的體驗感受,故事衍生出可供後續操作的商品 與活動。 4.生態旅遊紀念品的重點,如同生態解說,在於傳達自然知識與居民愛護生態的意 識,導引出生態永續的理念。


Ecotourism, differing from conventional tourism, is a profound traveling mode which focuses on environmental protection and local characteristics. In ecotourism, the ecological community guiding service provides tourists pleasure of exploring the nature in unobtrusive and imperceptible ways and fosters the concepts and importance of eco sty stem lasting. The purpose of this research is to assist Shir-ding Ecological Community to develop souvenirs - using ecotourism and educational guiding as studying subjects, bringing in design from the tourism angle and delineating the looks of ecotourism souvenirs. From early souvenir developing to actual sale testing, this study has discovered: after tourists participating the explicative tours, their knowledge and awareness regarding the journey appeared and certain bounding with the souvenirs has also built up. Therefore through explicative guides, the knowledge variance of tourists can be decreased and the goals of deep tours can be reached. Among studying diverse documents, this research aimed on one topic “how to transfer the experience of explicative tours into products”: The explicative tour was expressed as reading a story book describing local eco systems. By way of operating the theories of symbolism and the concepts of code breaking and forming, the guiding resources were split apart and organized as data base and transformed into the materials for story telling. Then one may apply the narrative form of screenplays to design and retell stories in fiction ways. This research took the day tour of Shir-ding Ecological Community as an example, used the characteristics of ecological guides, reorganized stories and educational information into a tour map and bred out associated products marketed by stories. From using stories linking ecotourism service and the complete product design, the conclusions of this study are as followed: 1.The characteristics and concepts of ecotourism can be delivered through story telling. 2.Stories own the quality of explication. By means of stories, the community resources can be reformed, the overall community image can be shaped, the travel knowledge can be built and new values and meaning can be created. 3.Stories link services and products together, provide complete experience, and breed out following products and activities. 4.The points of ecotourism souvenirs, like ecological guides, are about delivering the knowledge about nature and arousing residents’ awareness for environmental appreciation and protection so that the ideas of eco systems would be lasting.


guide books narrative explicative tours ecotourism souvenirs.


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