  • 學位論文


The Assessment of Disaster Defense and Rescue Ability of Taiwan Counties and Cities

指導教授 : 包 匡


摘要 臺灣地區地理位置特殊,天然災害頻繁,導致民眾生命財產遭受嚴重的損失與傷害,同時因人為不當行為造成天然災情擴大且逐年驟增。目前政府災害防救工作之整合協調與落實應用並不完善,各相關單位對災害防救能力的評估方式仍在探索階段,且災害發生主要考量是發生頻率次數、災害損失範圍及死傷人數,卻往往忽略了地區特有的人文社會、自然環境、經濟及抵抗災害的能力。致使政府單位在災害防救資源的分配及運用上不易訂出有效管理機制,故建立客觀公正之評估模式,效率評估及災害管理勢必成為重要課題。 本研究以臺灣地區22個縣市地區為範圍,回溯2002年至2007年臺灣地區各縣市天然災害防救數列資料,並以消防攸關災害防救運作之實際狀況,環環相扣剖析並提出符合地區災情所需的災害防救體系運作機制之建議。針對各縣市災害防救能力進行探討,主要藉由資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)加上實證地區基本資料運算操作,探討各縣市遭受天然災害之相對損害程度以及政府每年投入災害防救資源及預算的相對效率之差異關係,及透過分析說明各縣市資源分配與災害防救能力之間的關係性。 本研究結果有助於縮短本島境內區域間災害防救資源差距,更可呈現出各縣市天然災害防救能力,檢討目前地方政府執行中央災害防救計畫,依照災害防救能力建立評估機制,可提供中央與地方政府依據天然災害之影響,妥善分配資源以及救助資金上的運用,作為各項災害防救工作執行之依據,提供政府機關作為未來防救災資源重整決策之參考。


Abstract   The geographical location of Taiwan is special, the natural disasters are frequent that causes people''s lives and properties to suffer serious loss and damage. Also because people’s improper doings, these caused the natural disaster to expand and increase year by year. At present, government''s disaster defense work about to integrate rescuing work and coordinating different departments are imperfect. The rescuing abilities of relevant units and departments are still under assessment during the course of exploring. The major concerns of disasters are frequency of occurrence, damage loss and casualties. People often neglected the local peculiar humane society, natural environment, economy and ability to resist disaster. These reasons caused the government didn’t set up the management organization effectively on material distribution and resource application. So in order to establish objective and justice assessment patterns, the efficiency assessment and disaster management certainly will become an important issue.   This research covers 22 Taiwan counties and cities as scope. Author collects defense and rescue work information and disaster prevention operation relevant materials in these areas from 2002 to 2007. According to the different situations, to analyze the information in order to bring up the defense operation system that fit the local requirements. To be aimed the disaster defense abilities, to use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) as the major tool to do the analysis. In addition, from these basic information operations to build up the relationship between the relative damaging grades and annual government invests disaster prevention and defense budget relative rate in example area. With the results, the author illustrates connections of the reasonable resource distribution and the defense and rescue abilities.   The research helps to shorten the difference of resource distribution in the area. Meanwhile, it shows the natural defense abilities of each country and city. From reviewing the local government performance to carry out central government defense plan at present and the ability of rescuing assessing system, these can offer the centre and local government as reference to distribute resources properly according to the influence of the natural disaster in the future.


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