  • 學位論文


The teaching effectiveness of applying ‘‘scientific corner’’ in science teaching for kindergarten children—‘‘floating and sinking’’ As example

指導教授 : 錢偉鈞


本研究旨在探討實施「科學區」活動對幼兒自然科學教學活動之執行成效。教學以物體在水中的浮沉現象為主題,教學對象為研究者自身任教班級中28位的中、大班幼兒,有效樣本為25位,教學活動持續進行8週,期間共計開放15次設於教室角落之「科學區」,參與的幼兒透過自由進入設計有浮沉相關的教具與玩具的「科學區」裡體驗、操作並觀察與物體浮沉有關的現象與遊戲及分享交流互動。教學成果顯示: 一、整體而言,「科學區」浮沉活動導入教學活動後之後測成績明顯高於前測,且與幼兒進入科學區的次數具有顯著之相關性,顯示配合「科學區」設置之自然科學教學活動,讓中、大班幼兒對浮沉現象的認知概念具有顯著之提升。 二、進入學習區的次數之分析結果顯示:中班與大班的幼兒進入學習區的平均次數並無顯著差異,但總體而言,男生進入學習區的次數明顯多於女生。 三、同年齡層之不同性別幼兒之表現顯示:中班幼兒在前測、後測、進步幅度以及進入「科學區」次數的表現上均無顯著差異,但大班男生在後測、進步幅度及進入科學區次數均明顯高於女生。 四、在同性別之不同年齡層幼兒之表現差異:大班女生與中班女生在前測、後測、進步幅度以及進入「科學區」次數的表現上均無顯著差異,但大班男生在後測與進步幅度上明顯高於中班男生。 五、迷思方面,教學活動中呈現幼兒會以物體的重量作為浮沉最初預測的最主要依據。 「科學區」的設置,配合幼兒自然課程,透過提供體驗與實作的場域,協助幼兒逐漸發展出對浮沉現象的認識,顯示實際動手操作的體驗歷程有助於引導幼兒對自然科學現象的學習態度,對教學者而言,「科學區」可提升幼兒教學者對於規畫設計與執行科學教學活動意願與能力。


科學區 幼兒 科學 浮沉現象


This study was designed to investigate the teaching effectiveness of implementing the "science corner" in a science learning activity for young children. The theme of the activity is“sinking or floating" phenomena of substances in water. The object students are young children in the middle and senior classes of the kindergarten the author taught. The teaching activity lasted for eight weeks. During this period, the science corner opened fifteen times. Each time children can enter the corner and manipulate the teaching aids, freely. The results showed that: 1. In general, after the implementation of the science corner, the performance of the children in the post-test is higher than in the pretest. The frequency of children entering the corner and the progress of the performance are highly correlated. These results showed that siting the science corner in the learning activity can promote the children's recognition toward the "sinking or f1oating" phenomena significantly. 2. There is no significant difference on the frequency of entering the science corner between the students of middle class and senior class. But boys entered the corner more frequent the girls. 3. For children in the middle class, there are no significant differences between boys and girls on the performance of pretests, post-tests, the rate of improvement and the frequency of entering the corner. While the boys in the senior class got higher grade in post-test and showed larger scale on improvement than girls in the senior class. In senior class, the boy also entered the science corner more frequently than girls. 4. There are no significant differences between girls in middle class and in senior class on the performance of pretests, post-tests. There are no significant difference on the rate of improvement and the frequency of entering the corner either. While the boys in senior class get higher score in the post-test and showed larger scale on improvement than the boys in the middle class. 5. The weight of a substance is a common misconception for all the younger children to predict whether the substance would sink or float in water. Implementation of the science corner in the scientific learning activity is able to provide a location for young children to gain hands-on experience, which can assist young children to mold the understanding of sinking and floating phenomena. This result advocate the course of hands-on experience is helpful to guide the learning attitude for children. For teacher of young children, the process of setting the science corner can promote the ability and raise the aspiration on the designing and carrying out a scientific learning activity.


