  • 學位論文


A Study of the Influence of Junior High School Students' Involvement in Festivals on Participation Intention

指導教授 : 朱瑞淵


近年來政府舉辦符合在地文化特色的節慶活動,除了有利於社區總體營造之外,同時也讓地方文化往下扎根,若能從學生扎根,然後影響家長、社區,相信地方產業得以永續發展。因此本研究從國中生對節慶活動的涉入程度,來探討與參與意願間的關係,提供學校及相關單位之參考。 本研究以台中市大雅區大華國中學生為研究對象,在回收的990份有效問卷中發現,受訪者以男生較多,二年級的學生佔多數,父親職業以工業最多,母親職業則是服務業較多,父母的教育程度皆是高中、職佔多數,大多數的受訪者經濟狀況為普通,且沒有打工經驗。在節慶活動涉入程度的「吸引力」、「自我表現」、「中心性」三個衡量構面中,以吸引力的涉入最高,參與意願則呈現中等程度。 此外,迴歸分析結果顯示節慶活動涉入程度對參與意願有顯著正向影響。經多變量變異數分析結果顯示,人口統計變數僅「性別」及「經濟狀況」對節慶活動涉入程度有顯著差異。「性別」、「年級」和「打工經驗」則是對參與意願有顯著差異。 因此,建議學校可多宣導節慶活動的相關資訊,並規劃地方文化的體驗活動,提高學生參與節慶活動的意願,進而強化學生與文化之連結關係。


Over the years, the government has been holding the festivals which conform to the cultural features. Sustainable development of local industries will be achieved if students, adults and even the whole community are deeply concerned over native culture. Thus, this study is to demonstrate the influence of junior high school students’ involment in festivals on participation intention. The questionnaires were finished by the students at Dahwa Junior High School in Daya , Taichung City. A total of 990 valid samples were collected and it was found that among the three measurements of the involvement in festivals (attraction, self-expression and centrality), the involvement of attraction is the highest. The results show that the participation intention is above the average. The results of Regression Analysis explain that the involvement in festivals has significant influence on participation intention. Through MANOVA, it shows that the involvement in festivals has striking differences in gender and the economic situation of demographic variables. Participation intention has obvious differences in gender , grade and part-time job experiences.


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