  • 學位論文

以英語休閒活動探討國小學童英語學習動機對學習成效之 中介效果

English Leisure Activities as a Mediator among English Learning Motivation to Learning Achievement of Taichung Elementary School Children

指導教授 : 林志偉 李素箱


本研究目的旨在探討國小學童英語學習動機、英語休閒活動與英語學習成效之現況及其關聯性,並瞭解不同背景變項國小學童在英語學習動機、英語休閒活動及英語學習成效之差異情形。 本研究採問卷調查法作為資料蒐集之工具,以臺中市全區之國小學童為研究對象,共發放817份問卷,有效回收樣本為757份(男生390人、女生367人),有效回收率為92.7%。所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、多元同時迴歸與中介檢定進行統計分析後得以下結果:國小學童自覺英語學習動機整體為中上程度、英語休閒活動參與情形為中低程度及英語學習成效為中上程度;不同「性別」、「英語對話者」、「英語學習經驗」及「課後英語補習」之國小學童在英語學習動機、英語休閒活動與英語學習成效呈現差異情形;且英語學習動機顯著影響英語休閒活動及英語學習成效、英語休閒活動亦顯著影響英語學習成效;此外英語休閒活動在英語學習動機與英語學習成效中具部分中介效果。 根據上述研究結果,本研究發現,國小學童之英語學習較缺少家長的陪伴參與,在日常生活中若家長能多支持、陪伴學童學習,則能更有效達到良好的學習成效;而學童之英語休閒活動參與情形略顯不足,學童較無機會參與較多元的英語相關活動,英語休閒活動為提升學童英語動機並促進成效的重要關鍵,若校方、家長能更正視學童在英語領域的多元發展學習,協助學童廣泛參與透過較為休閒及日常的學習,則學童的英語能力將能日積月累,對於英語的學習有正向的助益。最後,本研究依據研究結果提出實務與後續研究建議,並提供相關單位、教學者、家長以及後續研究者於國小學童英語學習之政策擬定或教學方針進行參考。


This study aims to discuss the current status and associativity among elementary school children’s English learning motivation, English leisure activities and English learning achievement. It also tries to understand the differences of different background variables on elementary school children’s English learning motivation, English leisure activities and English learning achievement. In this study, questionnaire survey was used. Elementary school children in Taichung are the main subjects. 817 questionnaires were issued (include 390 boys, 367 girls), and collected 757 questionnaires for use, the effective response rate was 92.7%. The data was analyzed by Descriptive Statistics, Independent Samples t Test, One-way ANOVA, Multiple Regression Analysis and mediation verification. Through the analysis, the results of the study were shown as below: 1.Elementary school children are aware of the above-average of English learning motivation, below-average of English leisure activities and above-average of English learning achievement. 2.There were significant differences among different "Gender", "English Communicator", "English Learning Experience" and "Cram English Studying" to English learning motivation, English leisure activities and English learning achievement. 3. English learning motivation affects English leisure activities and English learning achievement significantly, and English leisure activities significantly affect English learning achievement, too. 4. English leisure activities have partial mediation effect on English learning motivation and English learning achievement. Through these findings, the study found that elementary school children are lack of accompany from parents on English learning. If parents can participate in children’s learning time and support them for all the learning parts, children can achieve the better learning effects more effectively. The study also found that children join English leisure activities less. They don’t have chances to participate in Multi-English-related activities. However, English leisure activities are the key to enhance children’s English learning motivation and promote better English learning achievement. If schools and parents can concern the issue more, and help children join casual and daily learning, children’s English abilities will increase little by little, and lead to positive English learning. Finally, the findings of the study will provide relevant units, teachers, parents and the future researchers as a reference for making English learning policies or teaching guidelines.


