  • 學位論文


A Study on Leisure Participation and Leisure Constraints of Specific Player in Dajia Senior High School.

指導教授 : 鄧迺鏞 李素箱


本研究旨在探討大甲高中專項選手休閒參與及休閒阻礙之情形,以提供教練及專項選手休閒介入之參考。本研究採問卷調查法為資料蒐集之工具,並依據研究目的採立意取樣,以大甲高中專項學生74人為研究對象。所得資料經描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與皮爾森相關檢定進行資料分析,結果如下: 一、大甲高中,以男性選手、一年級及田徑專項選手佔多數;年資以4~5年以上、每週訓練時間以31小時以上及每週參與休閒時間5小時以下者居多數。 二、大甲高中專項選手的休閒參與以玩電腦者佔多數,其次依序為看電視DVD及騎腳踏車、聊天和散步;休閒類型以「娛樂型」最多,其次依序為「閒意型」、「社交型」、「運動型」和「知識型」等類型活動。另外,休閒阻礙以對休閒活動沒有興趣居多數,其次依序為:個性影響休閒參與意願、休閒場地太過擁擠、休閒環境太過複雜和專長訓練太累;在休閒阻礙因素構面則以「個人阻礙」為最高,其次依序為「休閒品質阻礙」、「外在阻礙」與「結構性阻礙」。 三、不同背景專項選手之休閒參與,在性別與年級有顯著差異,其餘運動專項、訓練年資、每週訓練時間與每週參與休閒時間等變項差異不顯著。但在「知識型」活動類別上,年級達顯著差異;在「運動型」活動類別方面,性別與年級達顯著差異;在「娛樂型」活動類別方面,只有性別達顯著差異;在「社交型」與「閒意型」活動類別方面,差異均未達顯著差異。 四、不同背景專項選手之休閒阻礙,在性別、年級、運動專項、訓練年資和參與休閒時間等變項均達顯著差異;而在專長訓練時間則未發現顯著差異。在「個人阻礙」因素上,性別、年級、運動專項與訓練年資達顯著差異;在「外在阻礙」因素上,性別與年級達顯著差異;在「結構性阻礙」因素上,年級與參與休閒時間達顯著差異;在「休閒品質阻礙」因素上,年級達顯著差異。 五、在「知識型」、「運動型」與「娛樂型」等休閒參與和休閒阻礙因素達顯著相關;在「社交型」與「閒意型」活動類別,則無顯著相關。


The purpose of this study is to find out the determinants of leisure participation and constraints of specific players in Da-jia senior High School. The thesis uses DJSH questionnaire as the tool of collecting information using 74 specific in DJSH as its subject .The main empirical results obtained through descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson’s Correlation analysis are as follows: 1. The sample specific players at DJSH carry the following characteristics male, first-graders, fielders and trackers. They usually have been in this field for over 4 or 5 years with training time week over 31 hours and with leisure participation time less than 5 hours per week. 2. For sample specific players at DJSH the No.1 leisure activity is play computer games, watching TV, bicycle riding, chatting and taking a walk in descending order leisure. The No.1 category is “recreation-related” to be followed by “leisure”, “social”, and “knowledge-related” categories. As for leisure constraints the No.1 is the lack of interest to be followed by “unwillingness to participate due to personality”, “limited leisure space”, “complicated environment” and “exhaustion from training”. The most important cause are from “individual-constraints” to be followed by “leisure quality constraints”, “outside constraints” and “structural constraints”. 3. Leisure participation of d specific players differs systematically in gender or in grade. No systematic differences are observed in terms of evidently and sport they’re engaged, training years, training hours per week or hours engaged in leisure activity. Concerning “knowledge-related” activity specific players of differences grades show obvious variation in “sports-related” activity and specific players of different genders or grades show obvious variation. Concerning “recreation-related” activity only specific players of different gender show obvious variation. As for “social-related” and “leisure-related” activity no evident variation is observed. 4. As for leisure constraints sample specific players show obvious vahours variation in gender, grade, sports they are engaged in training years, and hours engaged in leisure activity. yet no obvious variation is in observed hours spent on training. Regarding “individual constraints” sample specific players show obvious variation in gender and in grade, sports they’re engaged in and training years. Regarding “outside constraints” sample specific players show obvious variation in gender and in grade. Regarding “structural constraints” sample specific players show obvious variation in grade and in horns engaged in leisure activity grad in obvious variation. Regarding “leisure quality constraints” sample specific players show obvious variation in grade. 5. In knowledge-related, sports-related and recreation-related activities specific players leisure participation and leisure constraints are correlated. Whereas for leisure-related and societies-related activities leisure participation and leisure constraints are uncorrelated.




