  • 學位論文


The Critique of Current Teaching Materials in Early Childhood Education

指導教授 : 林楚欣


現行幼兒園輔助教材評析 摘要 本研究旨在根據當代幼兒教育理論提出幼兒園輔助教材評析規準,再依此規準評析現行幼兒園輔助教材,以了解幼兒園輔助教材的現況,並提出有關教材編選與發展的建議,冀供出版業者、幼教老師、幼教機構、教育行政主管機關及未來研究參考,藉以促進教材品質的提升。本研究採內容分析法,彙整當代幼兒教育理論提出「幼兒園輔助教材評析規準」,共23項,並依此為研究工具評析幼兒園大班統整取向輔助教材中的幼兒讀本與教師手冊,共三個版本,二十四本教材。最後所得結論為: 一、幼兒園輔助教材之教育目標均能維護幼兒身心健康、充實幼兒生活經驗、開啟幼兒美感知覺、增進幼兒倫理觀念與合群習性、培養幼兒思考和解決問題的能力。幼兒良好習慣與自理能力養成上各版本輔助教材在質、量均不足。 二、幼兒園輔助教材之教育內容能符合幼兒興趣、發展需求與能力以及生活經驗,並具統整性,能涵蓋各學科領域。萌發性方面,教師應斟酌教學現場的相關因素,彈性使用輔助教材,不應完全依據預先設定的目標與程序直線前進。銜接性方面,各版本輔助教材皆提供四個無明顯關聯的課程主題,而各主題內則能提供具有銜接性的活動。 三、幼兒園輔助教材之教學方法均能提供遊戲、主動探索、互動學習、多樣學習與表達理解以及實際操作與反覆練習的機會,而所使用教學資源也具備近便性與豐富性。 四、幼兒園輔助教材之教學評量方式均能具備全面化、多元化以及真實性,但不具參與性,教師是唯一的評量者,同儕、家長、幼兒本身未參與評量。其中一個版本的評量時機以總結性評量為主,評量連續性並不明顯。


The Critique of the Current Teaching Materials in Early Childhood Education Abstract This research aims to propose a set of criteria for the critique of teaching materials in early childhood education based on contemporary theories in early childhood education. This set of criteria will be applied to give critique of the current teaching materials in early childhood education to gain an understanding of the status quo of the teaching materials in early childhood education. This research further puts forward suggestions on the edition and selection and development of teaching materials to be available for publishers, early childhood teachers and institutions, competent authority of educational administration and future research for reference to elevate the quality of teaching materials. Applying content analysis in this research, the researcher has complied contemporary theories in early childhood education to propose “Twenty-Three Criteria for the Critique of Teaching Materials in Early childhood Education,” the research tool that gives critique of the young children’s reading materials and teacher manual in kindergarten integration-oriented teaching materials with a total of three versions covering twenty four teaching materials. The research conclusions are given below: 1. The education objective of teaching materials in early childhood education can help keep young children’s physical and mental health, enrich children’s life experience, inspire children’s aesthetic perception, increase children’s ethical concept and habitual behavior of cooperation, and cultivate children’s thinking and problem-solving ability. In the respect of children’s good habits and self-help skills, each version of the teaching materials still show insufficiency in terms of quality and quantity. 2. The education subjects of teaching materials in early childhood education can meet young children’s interest, developmental needs and ability, and life experience, as its integration covers each realm of discipline. In the respect of emergence, teachers should take the related factors pertinent to teaching into account to apply the teaching materials flexibly, instead of completely carrying out it straightforwardly based on the pre setup objective and procedure. With regard to articulation, all versions of teaching materials can offer four subjects with no apparent connection and each subject will offer articulated activities. 3. All teaching methods for teaching materials in early childhood education can offer the opportunities to carry out games, active exploration, interactive learning, diversified learning and comprehension of expression, and practical operations and repeated exercise, thus making teaching resources to be more convenient and abundant. 4. The teaching evaluation methods practiced on teaching materials in early childhood education are comprehensive, diversified and authentic but participating, as teachers are the evaluators while peers, parents and young children will not participate in evaluation. Summative evaluation was adopted mainly to evaluate one version of teaching materials, and evaluation continuity will not be apparent.


王天苗、蘇建文、廖華芳、林麗英、鄒國蘇、林世華(1998)。嬰幼兒綜合發展測驗之編製報告。中華測驗學會測驗年刊 ,45(1),19-46。
