  • 學位論文


Study of the Influence of Cognition and Perception on Tourists’ Revisit Intention – Case of Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden

指導教授 : 陳益壯


消費者的態度主要由認知、情感及意圖三種要素所組成,認知是指消費者對產品或服務的知覺,情感決定消費者對態度標的物的整體性評價,而產生不同的偏好程度,本文旨在探討:到霧峰林家花園參訪之遊客,其遊憩認知與遊客知覺,是否會影響再次造訪之意願?此等訊息,對於園區未來之規劃與管理,以及瞭解古蹟觀光產業的資源特性,提供適當的服務品質,具有重要之決策參考價值。 先對到訪遊客進行抽樣調查,利用因素分析與迴歸方程模式進行實證分析,研究結果發現:對於遊憩認知構念,共萃取出:設施與人員服務,文化古蹟認知,以及主題呈現等三個構面,而文化古蹟認知 、主題呈現,以及遊憩知覺等解釋變數,對遊客再次造訪意願產生正向的顯著影響。 研究建議以園區的歷史為主題,利用文化加值來提高園區深度旅遊之獨特性,同時應連結在地藝文機構,或結合地方社群資源,定期舉辦研討會、座談等相關交流活動,舉辦成果發表等活動,藉此充分瞭解遊客需求。


Consumers' attitudes mainly consist of three elements: cognition, emotion and intention. Cognition refers to consumers' perception of products or services. Emotions determine consumers' overall evaluation of attitudes towards objects and produce different preferences. Discussing whether the perception of tourists and visitors to Wimbledon Lingering Garden will affect their willingness to visit again? These messages provide information on the planning and management of the park's future and about the resource characteristics of the historic tourism industry Appropriate service quality, with important reference value for decision-making. The sample survey of visiting tourists is carried out, and the empirical analysis is carried out by using the factor analysis and the regression equation model. The results show that there are three constructions of recreational cognitive constructs, co-extraction: facilities and staff services, cultural monuments cognition, However, the cognitive variables such as cultural monuments, thematic presentation, and recreational perceptions have a positive impact on tourists' willingness to revisit their tourism. The study suggests that the theme of the park's history should be the use of cultural values to enhance the uniqueness of in-depth tourism in the park. At the same time, it should be linked to local arts institutions or local community resources to hold regular seminars and seminars and other related exchange activities. Results published and other activities, to fully understand the needs of tourists.


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