  • 學位論文


The Impact of Music Educational Therapy for Developing Young Children with Developmental Delay on Positive Emotions and Language Communication Skills:A Case Study

指導教授 : 李玲玉


本研究主要透過音樂育療課程中的音樂活動,增進發展遲緩幼兒的學習動機,藉此提升發展遲緩幼兒的正向情緒以及語言溝通能力。研究目的為:一、探討音樂育療課程對於發展遲緩幼兒正向情緒發展之影響歷程。二、探討音樂育療課程對於發展遲緩幼兒語言溝通能力發展之歷程。三、團體音樂育療融入早期療育機構之成效。本研究以質性為主,量化為輔的方式進行,根據音樂育療實務課程紀錄,研究分析資料來源包括觀察員、治療師群以及班級老師,使用李玲玉教授團隊長年研究所建立的半結構式紀錄表,經由多方交叉觀察紀錄加以統整,將量化數據分析後用質性文字敘述相互驗證得到研究成果。本研究以立意取樣方式以大台中地區某一早期療育機構中的2位發展遲緩幼兒為研究觀察對象。研究教學前與指導教授、機構、班級老師等相關教學成員共同召開會前會討論幼兒發展之狀況。本研究經由歸納分析資料後證明音樂育療課程對於發展遲緩幼兒的情緒以及語言溝通能力有正相關,並且藉由音樂育療課程設計的活動能夠提高幼兒學習意願。資料分析後歸納出以下結果: 一、 藉由團體音樂育療課程有助於提升發展遲緩幼兒的正向情緒以及語言溝通能力。 二、 音樂育療課程適合於早期療育機構中實行。 關鍵詞:發展遲緩幼兒、音樂育療、正向情緒發展、語言溝通能力


The present study aimed to enhance the positive emotion and language communication skills of children with developmental delay by mainly promoting music learning activities in Music Educational Therapy. The ultimate purpose of the research is to analyze (1) the possible influences that Music Educational Therapy would have on the developmental delayed children in the aspect of their positive emotional behaviors. (2) The procese of exploring the relationship between language communication skills and Music Educational Therapy on developmental delayed children. (3) The effectiveness of intergrating the group music educational therapy into the early intervention institute. The research mostly engaged in qualitative and quantitative method, of which, the observers, therapists and teachers carry out semi-structured interview to record footages sources of the Music Educational Therapy. In addition, the sampled data of the research were collected and verified by consolidated crosscutting observation as well as the interpretation of quantitative analysis to arrive at the mutual outcome of the research. Two of the developmental delayed children from the early treatment insititions in Taichung City were deliberately monitored to be the subject of this research. In conclusion, Music Educational Therapy curriculum was confirmed to be positively correlated to emotions and ability of language communications for children with developmental delay. Last but not least, the learning interest of children could also be enhanced by the Music Educational Therapy curriculum designed activities is summarized as below: 1. The development of the children with positive emotions and language communication skills improved through the conduction of Music Educational Therapy. 2. Music Educational Therapy is an unconditionally applicable practice for children at the early treatment insitiutions. Keyword: children with developmental delay, music educational therapy, positive emotions, language communication skills


