  • 學位論文


Analytical Hierarchy Process for Promoting Staff''s Cognition and Behavior of Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction in University Campus

指導教授 : 白子易


當越來越多科學家發現溫室效應問題日益嚴重因於人為活動所排放的溫室氣體,並引發一連串的環境變化- -氣候極端、海平面上升、病媒加數擴散以及嚴重的天災,因此「節能減碳」成為全球最矚目之議題。節能減碳不是一個「口號」,而是每天必須面對的「生活」。期待在所有節能減碳的過程中,主動調整生活態度並對其中必要的付出有著共識與決心,才能真正落實節能減碳的工作。 本研究運用AHP理論,進行專家學者、大專院校教育主管機關、非專業領域能源教職員、專業領域能源教職員等專家對推動大學校園教職員節能減碳認知與行為之重要性評估,經由整理分析找出一致性之共同觀點,綜合整理而獲得研究結果,以作為政府在推動大學校園教職員節能減碳認知與行為時之參考。 研究者透過相關的文獻探討,歸納整理相關的評估要素,採用Likert五尺度量表的題項設計調查問卷,統計結果,進行平均數與標準差分析,最後採用平均數4以上的16點題項為要素準則,完成「推動大學校園教職員節能減碳認知與行為之層級架構」,並以此編製AHP相對權重調查問卷。 問卷回收後,透過一致性檢定篩檢有效問卷,以控制結果的可信度,藉由層級分析法之成對比較過程,獲得準則間的相對重要性權重值,建立權重體系,以提供相關單位有參考價值之訊息。本研究分析之結果如下: 一、評估要素層,整體專家認為最重要的要素依序為:「態度與認知之提升」(0.481)、「建立指標與系統整合」(0.198)、「訂定規定與管理督導」(0.189)、「校務發展與活動辦理」(0.132)。 二、在「態度與認知之提升」下要素準則層,整體專家認為最重要的準則依序為:「應有積極正向的節能減碳態度」(0.377)、「提升節能減碳知識、態度與行為」(0.242)、「宣導節能減碳之規定及措施」(0.214)、「節能減碳的認知與提昇」(0.167)。 三、在「校務發展與活動辦理」下要素準則層,整體專家認為最重要的準則依序為:「節能減碳納入校務發展,落實節能減碳工作」(0.363)、「設計多元化的教育活動」(0.270)、「積極參與校園節能減碳政策與活動」(0.214)、「尋求鄰近學校校或民間團體共同參與節能減碳活動」(0.207)。 四、在「提升節能減碳知識、態度與行為」下要素準則層,整體專家認為最重要的準則依序為:「將校園用電納入「電力監控及需量控制系統」」(0.282)、「校內強制規定安裝省電節能裝置」(0.280)、「制定校內各部門用電指標」(0.233)、「運用再生能源,供應校內相關設備」(0.205)。 五、在「宣導節能減碳之規定及措施」下要素準則層,整體專家認為最重要的準則依序為:「建立節能機制」(0.297)、「學習能源教育、環境教育」(0.298)、「節能減碳之管理與監督」(0.247)、「建立完整資訊化管理系統」(0.166)。六、要素準則整體權重前5項準則依序為「推動各項相關法律完成立法,健全法制環境」(0.139)、「積極著手研發新的替代能源」(0.111)、「增加民眾參與節能減碳活動的誘因」(0.101)、「大眾運輸工具減價,鼓勵民眾搭乘」(0.086)、「政府獎勵安裝省電節能裝置」(0.085)。 六、要素準則整體權重前5項準則依序為「應有積極正向的節能減碳態度」(0.184)、「提升節能減碳知識、態度與行為」(0.112)、「宣導節能減碳之規定及措施」(0.103)、「節能減碳的認知與提昇」(0.082)及「建立節能機制」(0.057),可供相關部門參考。


As more and more scientists discover that the increasingly serious problem of greenhouse effects is attributable to the greenhouse gases emitted during human activities and is responsible for a series of environmental changes—extreme weathers, sea level rise, accelerated spread of disease media and severe natural disasters, “carbon reduction” becomes one of the most important issues in the world. Carbon reduction is not just a slogan, but is “life” to be lived every day. In the processes of carbon reduction, it is expected to take initiative in adjusting attitudes toward living and to embrace consensus and determination in the efforts made therein in order to really make carbon reduction happen. The present research applies the AHP theory to evaluate the importance of the cognition and behaviors of college faculty, which include experts, government agencies, college instructors and professional administrators, for the promotion of carbon reduction. Analysis is conducted to identify common perspectives with consistence and summarization is made to obtain research results to serve as reference for the governments in promoting faculty cognition and behavior for carbon reduction. We summarized the relevant assessment factors after documentary review, designed survey questionnaires with items on Likert 5-point scale and analyzed the statistic results in terms of average and standard deviations. Finally we took the 16 items with average above 4 as the criteria for factors to complete the “hierarchical framework for faculty cognition and behaviors toward carbon reduction”, based on which to formulate the questionnaire with AHP relative weight. The retrieved questionnaires were screened by consistence testing to control the reliability of the results. Relative importance weights between criteria were obtained through AHP pairwise comparison to establish the weight system to provide messages worth reference for related agencies. The analytic results hereof are as follows: 1. At the level of assessment factors, the most important factors according to experts are, in order: “elevation of attitude and cognition” (0.481), “setting up benchmarks and system integration” (0.198), “setting out regulations and management and monitoring” (0.189) and “administrative development and holding activities” (0.132). 2. Regarding “elevation of attitude and cognition”, the most important standards according to experts are “active and positive attitude toward carbon reduction should be present” (0.377), “elevation of knowledge, attitude and behavior for carbon reduction” (0.242), “regulations and measures for promoting carbon reduction” (0.214) and “elevation of cognition for carbon reduction” (0.167) 3. Regarding “administrative development and holding activities”, the most important standards according to experts are “carbon reduction as part of the administration and really execute the tasks of carbon reduction” (0.363), “design diversified educational activities” (0.270), “actively engage in the policy and activities of on-campus carbon reduction” (0.214) and “seek involvement in carbon reduction activities from neighboring schools or private organizations” (0.207). 4. Regarding “elevation of knowledge, attitude and behavior for carbon reduction”, the most important standards according to experts are “take the campus power supply as part of the electricity monitoring and demand control system”, (0.282), “enforce the installation of energy saving appliances on campus” (0.280), “set out benchmark of electricity consumption for all departments” (0.233) and “apply renewable energy to supply to on-campus facilities” (0.205). 5. Regarding “regulations and measures for promoting carbon reduction”, the most important standards according to experts are “establish energy saving mechanism” (0.297), “learn energy education and environmental education” (0.298), “carbon reduction management and monitoring” (0.247) and “establish complete management by information system” (0.166). The top five standards for the factor standard weights are “make legislation on relevant laws happen and make sound legal environment” (0.139), “actively develop new alternatives for energy” (0.111), “increase incentives for carbon reduction involvement to people” (0.101), “price-down with mass transport vehicles to encourage people’s use” (0.086) and “governmental encouragement for installation of energy saving appliances” (0.085). 6. The top 5 standards for the factor standard weights are “active and positive attitude toward carbon reduction should be present” (0.184), “elevation of knowledge, attitude and behavior for carbon reduction” (0.112), “regulations and measures for promoting carbon reduction” (0.103), “elevation of cognition for carbon reduction” (0.082) and “establish energy saving mechanism” (0.057), which can be reference for any related department.


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