  • 學位論文


Application of Moringa on the Free Radical and Non-free Radical Caused Diseases

指導教授 : 劉炳嵐


辣木(Moringa oleifera Lam),為辣木科(Moringaceae),又稱為鼓鎚樹(drumstick),全世界已知有14個品種,最主要品種是非洲辣木(Moringa stenopetala)、印度辣木(Moringa oleifera)、及印度改良品種辣木(Moringa oleifera PKMI)。因生長快速、繁殖容易,廣被人們所使用。辣木含有高度抗氧化能力及豐富化合物質,目前已知的化學成分物質約有44種,結構上可分為硫配醣體(Glucosinolate)、酚酸類(Phenolic acid)及黃酮類(Flavonoids)化合物。本研究將針對辣木於疾病上之應用,依其試驗疾病病因,分為自由基與非自由基兩類,彙整相關文獻,以瞭解辣木在醫學上應用之發展現況與未來之發展。 在自由基疾病應用上,辣木根部所含特殊罕見二胜肽(Dipeptide)、尿素(Urea)、BITC及PEITC化合衍生物質,不但能抑制巨噬細胞所分泌之TNF-


Over 14 varieties of Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam, also known as drum hammer tree or Drumstick), belong to Moringaceae, have been found worldwide. Predominant species were Moringa stenopetala, Moringa oleifera, and Moringa oleifera PKMI. Due to the fast growth and easy propagation, it has been widely used. Indeed, Moringa contains a high antioxidant capacity and rich in active compounds in nature. Up to date, at least 44 compounds mainly in Glucosinolate, Phenolic and Flavonoids are identified. Consequently, the applications of Moringa in medical purposes in terms of free radicals and non-free radical caused diseases, according to the pathogeny of the disease were reviewed. For free radical caused diseases, a special dipeptides, urea, BITC, and PEITC compounds derived substances in the roots of Moringa, not only can inhibit the production of macrophage TNF-


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