  • 學位論文


Performance Evaluation of a Broadcasting Station Network-a case study of Radio Station B

指導教授 : 邱國欽


近年臺灣廣播市場規模日趨萎縮,小功率電台已遭遇一波收購或解散、重組。為此,電台經營者在經營方針之層面必須迎合顧客多樣化的需求,確實掌握不同的聽眾群屬性及需求,以提高電台收聽率。現行廣播業統計調查經營績效評估方法多以敘述統計探討,不論廣告業主或廣播經營者,僅依靠質化或敘述統計方法對聽眾喜好與需求而執行經營決策,或評估者個人過分主觀與喜好而影響實際決策,進而容易造成績效改善決策錯誤。 本研究以廣播電台之B聯播網聽眾為樣本來源,藉由聽眾的收聽習慣設計與電台經營相關的問卷,透過問卷資料,本文以統計方法如差異分析找出不同族群聽眾的收聽偏好、邏輯斯迴歸分析判定聽眾參與電台活動的意願,另外,本文藉由問卷之16個要素採用嚴謹又簡單易懂的績效評估矩陣與管制界限,試圖找出B聯播網有問題的要素,結果有6個要素需要進一步改善。然而B聯播網之企業資源有限,因此,本研究以基本資料各變項(因子)對需改善要素差異分析以找出認知較低族群,並藉此提出改善策略建議以提供B聯播網經營者參考,並經由執行成效提高B聯播網經營績效。


In recent years, Taiwan radio broadcasting station market has been shrinking; low-power radio has suffered a wave of acquisitions, dissolution, or reorganization. For this reason, radio station owners must cater the diverse needs of customers to understand attributes of audiences and their needs in order to enhance the radio listening figures. With the existing broadcasting by descriptive statistics of the performance evaluation, whether advertisers or broadcasters, only rely on qualitative methods or descriptive statistics to discuss the implementation of audience preferences and needs of business decision, or to assess the subjective and personal preferences influence over actual decision-making. Thus easily lead to performance improve decision making errors In this research, using B network broadcasting station audiences as a sample source, design a questionnaire related to radio operation from the audience listening habits. Through questionnaires, this research adopts statistical methods such as differential analysis listen to find out the preferences of different audience groups, using logistic regression analysis to determine the wishes of audience participation of broadcasting station activity(3 model). The accuracy is at 80%. In addition to, this 16 elements survey is using rigorous, simple and easy to understand performance evaluation matrix and control limits, trying to find the elements in question from B network, there are 6 elements need to be further improved from this results. However, B corporate network resources are limited, Therefore, in this research, the variables of basic data (factor) differences analysis to improve the elements of low cognitive group, and make recommendations to improve policy. The study provides as a reference to Network B operators , and hoping to improve its performance.


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