  • 學位論文


Research on the Job Satisfaction of After-School Care Teachers of Elementary Schools in Taichung City

指導教授 : 蘇秀枝


中文摘要 本研究主要在了解台中市國民小學課後照顧服務教師的工作滿意度,以九十九學年度台中市國民小學課後照顧服務教師為對象,以自編「國民小學課後照顧服務教師工作滿意度調查問卷」為工具。內容分為「工作本身」、「人際關係」、「薪資福利」、「進修研習」、「學校環境」及「行政與領導」等六個構面。共發出879份問卷,有效回收問卷503份,有效回收率為57.2%。以平均數、標準差、t考驗、皮爾森積差相關與單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料分析。本研究有以下發現: 一、課後照顧服務教師的整體工作滿意度介於普通和滿意之間,各 構面工作滿意度由高而低依次為「行政與領導」、「人際關係」、「學校環境」、「工作本身」、「薪資福利」與「進修研習」。 二、課後照顧服務教師個人背景變項與工作滿意度的差異情形: (一)課後照顧服務教師的「整體工作滿意度」與年齡及服務年資 呈正相關。 (二)課後照顧服務教師在「工作本身」的滿意度,專科與高中職(含)以下高於碩士(含)以上,已婚者高於未婚者,身份別為非校內正式教師高於校內正式教師;年齡越大及服務年資越久,滿意度越高。 (三)課後照顧服務教師在「人際關係 」的滿意度,已婚者高於未婚者,身份別為非校內正式教師高於校內正式教師;年齡越大及服務年資越久,滿意度越高。 (四)課後照顧服務教師在「薪資福利」的滿意度,身份別為非校內正式教師者高於校內正式教師。 (五)課後照顧服務教師在「進修研習」的滿意度,男性教師高於女性教師,高中職(含)以下高於專科;服務年資越久,滿意度越高。 (六)課後照顧服務教師在「學校環境」的滿意度,男性教師高於女性教師。 (七)課後照顧服務教師在「行政與領導」的滿意度,教師身份別為非校內正式教師者高於校內正式教師;有兼差之非校內正式教師的滿意度高於無兼差者。 三、課後照顧服務教師工作背景變項與工作滿意度的差異情形: (一)課後照顧服務教師在「工作本身」的滿意度,分齡編班高於混齡編班。 (二)課後照顧服務教師在「薪資福利」與「行政與領導」的滿意度,學校自辦模式高於學校委辦模式。 (三)課後照顧服務教師在「學校環境」的滿意度,任教於舊台中縣者,高於任教於舊台中市者,學校自辦模式高於學校委辦模式。 依據研究結果,提出相關建議: 一、提供課後照顧服務教師在職進修管道。 二、提供課後照顧服務班專屬教室。 三、提供課後照顧服務教師更完善的福利制度。 四、多聘用符合《國民小學辦理課後照顧服務及人員資格標準》規定之「非校內正式教師」來擔任課後照顧服務教師。 最後建議未來研究者可採用訪談的質性研究方式,深入了解課後照顧服務教師的工作滿意度。 關鍵字:課後照顧、教師、工作滿意度


工作滿意度 教師 課後照顧


Abstract This study aimed to investigate elementary schools’ after-school care teachers’(ESACT) job satisfaction in Taichung city. Questionnaire Survey was used as the main research instrument. The self-developed questionnaire of “Elementary school after-school care teachers’ job satisfaction, consisted of six dimensions, including “work”, “interpersonal relationship", “salary and benefits”, “in-service education”, “school environment”, “administration and leadership” A total of 879 questionnaires were distributed, and 503 of them were collected. The valid response rate was 57.2%. Descriptive statistic (e.g. mean, standard deviation), t-test, one-way ANOVA, and product-moment correlation were used to analyze the data. Findings are as followed: 1.The degree of ESACTs’ overall job satisfaction was between moderate and satisfactory. Among 6 dimensions, the degree of job satisfaction from high to low are “administration and leadership”, “school environment”, “work”, “salary and benefits”, and “in-service education”. 2.The relation between the personal background of ESACTs and their job satisfaction. (1). “Overall job satisfaction” was positively correlated with age and years of work experience. (2). In the aspect of “work”, ESACTs with senior/ vocational high school education or below were more satisfied than ESACTs with Master’s degree or above; married ESACTs were more satisfied than single ESACTs; ESACTs who were not formal full-time school teachers were more satisfied than ESACTs who were formal full-time school teachers; the greater the age and the years of work experience, the more ESACTs were satisfied with “work”. (3). In the aspect of “interpersonal relationship” , married ESACTs were more satisfied with single ESACTs; ESACTs who were not formal full-time school teachers were more satisfied than ESACTs who were formal full-time school teachers; the greater the age and the years of work experience, the more ESACTs were satisfied with ”interpersonal relationship”. (4). In the aspect of “salary and benefits”, ESACTs who were not formal full-time school teachers were more satisfied than ESACTs who were formal full-time school teachers. (5). In the aspect of “in-service education”, male ESACTs were more satisfied than female ESACTs; ESACTs with senior/vocational high school education or below were more satisfied than ESACTs with college degree; the longer the years of work experience, the more ESACTs were satisfied with “job training”. (6). In the aspect of “school environment”, male ESACTs were more satisfied than female ESACTs. (7). In the aspect of “administration and leadership”, ESACTs who were not formal full-time school teachers were more satisfied than ESACTs who were formal full-time school teachers; ESACTs who had a part-time job were more satisfied than ESACTs who didn’t have a part-time job. 3.The relation between the work background of ESACTs and their job satisfaction. (1). In the aspect of “work” , ESACTs who worked in same-age grouping class were more satisfied than ESACTs who worked in mix-age grouping class. (2). In the aspects of “salary and benefits” and “administration and leadership”, ESACTs who worked in the schools that were self-management model were more satisfied than ESACTs who worked in school that are commissioned model. (3). In the aspect of “school environment”, ESACTs who worked in “Former Taichung County” were more satisfied than ESACTs who worked in “Former Taichung City”. The following suggestions were provided: 1.Provide ESACTs in-service education opportunities. 2.Provide elementary school after-school care exclusive classrooms. 3.Provide ESACTs better welfare and benefits system. 4.Hire those who are not formal full-time teachers and in compliance with “Elementary School for after-school child care services and personnel qualification standards” as after-school care teachers. Future studies can extend participants in other area, or use qualitative methods such as in-depth interviews to investigate elementary schools’ after- school care teachers’ job satisfaction. Key words: after-school care, teacher, job satisfaction.


job satisfaction. teacher after-school care


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