  • 學位論文


Research on Job Satisfaction of Family Child Care Providers in Taichung County

指導教授 : 蘇秀枝


本研究旨在探討臺中縣保母人員之工作滿意度情形及其相關因素。採問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,以臺中縣社區保母系統內之保母人員為研究對象,並於系統辦理在職訓練時發放問卷,共發336份問卷,回收問卷數320份,有效問卷309份,有效問卷回收率為91.96%,以SPSS統計軟體進行資料處理與分析。 本研究主要發現: 保母人員以40~49歲(50.5%)、高中職(60.5%)、非幼保相關科系(84.5%)、已婚(92.9%)、女性(99.4%)為主,74.8%沒有就讀學齡前之子女,53%家庭月收入在5萬元以下,94.8%其家人支持及非常支持其保母工作,91.2%對家庭生活感到滿意及非常滿意。51.8%保母人員入行年齡在31歲~40歲、47.2%托育年資在5年以下,托育型態及地點以「日托(83.4%)」及「自宅(94.2%)」為主,79.6%保母人員收托1至2個,以0~2歲之幼兒為最多,75.5%保母托育月收入在2萬5千元以下,62.8%保母人員感覺有一點或幾乎沒有工作壓力,壓力源最多來自沒有長期薪資、退休保障。70.9%認為職前訓練足夠及非常足夠,入行原因最多為「可以兼顧家庭」,45%等待收托期在3個月內,收托來源最多為「鄰居或親朋好友」,有5.8%保母會考慮換其他工作。 大多數保母人員對系統的服務感到滿意。最滿意的是「加入系統對於從事保母工作是有幫助的」;滿意度較低的是「轉介媒合服務」。大多數保母人員對工作感到滿意,工作滿意度各構面以「人際關係」滿意度最高,「薪資報酬」滿意度最低。國中以下教育程度的保母人員在「薪資報酬」工作滿意度構面顯著高於高中職教育程度之保母人員;國中以下教育程度、高中職教育程度的保母人員在「社會地位」工作滿意度構面顯著高於專科教育程度之保母人員。家庭月收入「80,001元以上」之保母人員在「薪資報酬」工作滿意度構面上顯著高於家庭月收入「50,000元以下」之保母人員。保母人員2歲以下子女數愈多,其「社會地位」構面之滿意度愈低。 保母人員家人支持度愈高,其整體工作滿意度及人際關係、自我價值、工作特性與社會地位等構面之滿意度也愈高。保母人員家庭生活滿意度愈高,其整體工作滿意度及薪資報酬、人際關係、自我價值、工作特性與社會地位等構面之滿意度也愈高。有「全日托」托育型態之保母人員「自我價值」滿意度低於無「全日托」托育型態之保母人員;有「日托」托育型態之保母人員在「自我價值」滿意度構面高於無「日托」托育型態之保母人員。保母人員實際托育數愈多,其工作滿意度「自我價值」構面之滿意度愈高。保母人員壓力程度愈高,其整體工作滿意度及薪資報酬、自我價值、工作特性等構面之滿意度愈低。職前訓練充足度感到「非常足夠」之保母人員在整體工作滿意度及「工作特性」工作滿意度構面顯著高於感到「普通」之保母人員;感到「非常足夠」之保母人員在「社會地位」工作滿意度構面顯著高於感到「不夠」之保母人員。 保母人員等待收托期愈長,其整體工作滿意度及薪資報酬、自我價值及工作特性等構面之滿意度愈低。希望繼續從事保母工作10年以上者在「工作特性」構面工作滿意度顯著高於考慮換工作之保母人員。保母人員系統服務滿意度愈高,其工作滿意度也愈高。 「家庭生活滿意度」、「壓力源數量」及「整體系統滿意度」等3項變數可以有效預測保母工作滿意度。 依據上述研究結論,提出具體建議: 一、建議政府相關單位,應儘速通過兒童教育及照顧法,落實保母管理工作、研議保障保母人員薪資及福利、培訓監督社區保母系統,促其提供優質服務給家長及保母。 二、建議社區保母系統應積極宣導,增加媒合率、持續協助協力圈的運作、安排多元彈性的在職訓練、安排家長相關課程,降低保親教養觀念差距、持續加強訪督人員的專業性,以支持性角色協助保母,提升托育品質。 三、建議保母人員持續進修,積極參與協力圈活動,建議家長選擇教養理念接近之保母,托育過程中加強保親溝通,並互相信任尊重及合作。 最後建議未來研究,增加其他縣市之保母人員為對象、採用訪談或焦點團體等質化的方式,深入了解保母人員之人格特質、保親協調度、保親適配性、保母情緒勞務及情緒智力等變項。


This study is aimed to investigate job satisfaction of family child care providers (FCCP) and related factors in Taichung County. Survey method was used to collect data. Participants included family child care providers registered in the Taichung County community provider schemes. 336 questionnaires were distributed to providers who participated in service education; 320 were returned and 309 were valid. The valid return rate was 91.96%. SPSS statistics software was used to analyze data. Research findings include: The demographic characteristics of FCCPs were between 40~49 years old (50.5%), with senior or vocational high school education (60.5%), without specialized education in child care profession (84.5%), married (92.9%), and female (99.4%). 74.8% of FCCPs have no school-age children; 53% with family monthly incomes below 50,000 NT dollars; 94.8% of the family of FCCPs was supportive or very supportive of the profession ; 91.2% of FCCPs felt satisfied or very satisfied with their family life. 51.8% of FCCPs started their profession at age between 31~40 year old; 47.2% had less than 5 years work experience; 83.4% provided day care; 94.2 % provided care at their own homes; 79.6% cared for 1-2 children aged 0 to 2; 75.5% earned less than 25,000 NT dollars monthly; 62.8% experienced none or almost no working stress. The main sources of stress were “no long-term salary and retirement security”; 70.9% considered pre-service education adequate or very adequate; the major reason to enter the profession was to care for their family as well; 45% had waiting period of less than three months to care for next child; the major source of cared children was from neighbors, relatives, or friends; 5.8% thought of changing their profession. The majority of FCCPs was satisfied with services provided by community provider schemes system. The most satisfied item is “participation in community provider schemes is helpful to FCCP profession.” and the least satisfied item is “child care matching services”. The majority of FCCPs was satisfied with their job, the most satisfied item is “interpersonal relationship” and the least satisfied item is “income satisfaction”. FCCPs with junior high school education or below were more satisfied with “income satisfaction” than FCCPs with senior/vocational high school education; FCCPs with senior or vocational school education and below were more satisfied with “social status” than FCCPs with college education. FCCPs with family monthly incomes of 80,001 and above were more satisfied with “income satisfaction” than FCCPs with family monthly income of 50,000 and below. FCCPs with more children aged 2 or below had lower satisfaction with “social status”. FCCPs with more family supports were more satisfied with interpersonal relationships, self-esteem, job characteristics, and social status. FCCPs with higher family satisfaction were more satisfied with overall job satisfaction, salary, interpersonal relationships, self-esteem, job characteristics, and social status. FCCPs who provided 24-hour day care were less satisfied with self-esteem; FCCPs who provided day care were more satisfied with self-esteem. FCCPs who cared for more children had higher satisfaction with self-esteem. FCCPs who experienced higher level of job stress had lower satisfactions with overall job satisfaction, salary, self-esteem, and job characteristics. FCCPs who considered their pre-service education “very adequate” were more satisfied with their overall job satisfaction and characteristics than FCCPs who considered their pre-service education “average”. FCCPs who considered their pre-service education “very adequate” were more satisfied with their “social status” than FCCPs who considered their pre-service education “inadequate”. FCCPs who had longer waiting period of finding next child care were less satisfied with overall job satisfaction, self-esteem, and job characteristics. FCCPs who plan to continue this profession over ten years were more satisfied with job characteristics than FCCPs who plan to change profession. FCCPs with higher satisfaction with community provider scheme were more satisfied with their job. Satisfaction with family life, number of job stress, overall satisfaction with community provider scheme significantly predicted job satisfaction of FCCPs. The following suggestions were provided : 1. Government agencies should legislate “Early Childhood Education and Child Care Act” as soon as possible, supervise administrative job of FCCPs, and efficiently manage the FCCP policy; study and discuss salary and welfare of FCCPs, and supervise community provider scheme to provide high quality services to parents and providers. 2. Community provider schemes should actively promote services, in-crease matching rates, provide support groups, schedule flexible in-service education, provide parent education, and improve family child care quality and status. 3. FCCPs should continue in-service education, improve provider-parent relationships and communication, and participate in support groups. Future studies can extend participants to FCCPs in other areas, use qualitative methods such as in-depth interviews or focus groups to better understand the impacts of provider personality, fitness of good between providers and parents, provider emotional and intellectual variables on job satisfaction.




