  • 學位論文


The Acceptance of Product Service System (PSS) in Taichung: A Case Study of Notebook Computers

指導教授 : 林盛隆


科技的進步帶來快速便捷的生活環境,而筆記型電腦已成為日常生活中不可或缺的電子產品。據研究顯示,在筆記型電腦的生命週期裡環境衝擊於使用階段最為明顯,其中能源消耗所造成的二氧化碳排放最高;排放大量二氧化碳亦是造成溫室效應主要因素,因此國際間為此紛紛制訂能源效率規範,以避免溫室效應持續惡化。 本研究將產品服務化系統概念導入於租賃筆記型電腦之中,以問卷調查方式針對臺中市上網市民進行租賃筆記型電腦接受度之調查,回收有效問卷共計400份,問卷分析採用SPSS統計軟體以描述性統計探討租賃筆記型電腦接受度的情形,再分別以不同背景變項進行獨立樣本t檢定與分析租賃筆記型電腦接受度各向度進行差異性考驗。 根據問卷調查分析結果,在性別、年齡、居住區域、教育程度、筆記型電腦使用情形及對於租賃筆記型電腦的觀點,都有顯著性的差異,尤其以居住臺中市南區,教育程度在高中(職),有使用過筆記型電腦的女性,是對於產品服務系統之租賃筆記型電腦為接受度最高的一群。而影響接受度的因素中以「環保與節能」最為市民所為重視,其次是「產品設計」、「產品服務化」、「經濟與功能」,而「品牌與外觀」表現稍差。


Advance in technology makes our living environment much more comfortable and convenient. Notebook computers have become an integral part of daily electronic products. Research shows that among the life cycle stages of laptop, the use of laptop which consumes energy and produces the highest amount of carbon dioxide has the most obvious impact on environment. Emission of carbon dioxide is also the major cause of the greenhouse effect. Hence, international institutes develop the energy efficiency specification in order to avoid worsening the greenhouse effect. In this study, the concept of product service system was imported into the lease of notebooks. A questionnaire was used for surveying the public acceptance of leased notebook from Taichung Citizen and a total of 400 valid questionnaires was retrieved. The questionnaire was analyzed by SPSS statistical software to describe the statistics of acceptance of rental notebook case, then different background variables were used to progress the independent sample t test and the ANOVA analysis of acceptance of leased laptops for differences in the dimensions of the test. According to the survey results, there are significant differences caused by gender, age, residence area, education level, condition of use and opinions toward rental notebooks. The group of women who have high school education level, live in the south of Taichung City and have used the laptops has the highest acceptance for the laptop leasing system and service. Among all the factors that may affect the acceptance, “environmental protection and energy saving” gets most public attention, followed by “product design”, “product and service” and “economic and function”. “Brand and appearance” has less effect.


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