  • 學位論文


Learning Effect Analysis of Innovative Teaching Materials for Traditional, New Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Energy on Fifth Grade Students of Elementary School: Taking One Large-scale Elementary School in Taichung City for Example

指導教授 : 王順成 白子易


「能源教育」一直被認為是對抗全球暖化最有效的利器之一,期望在透過教育的過程,使全民具備相關知識及素養,將節能的生活態度更融入生活中。因此,本研究針對非再生能源創新教材,並對傳統、新興化石燃料及核能等子項進行研發,編制五年級學童所需之創新教材,且以國小五年級學童為研究對象。 本研究研發教材前,先針對國小九年一貫之自然與生活領域課程綱要進行分析,總計有138項內容,經篩選後,具關聯性有13項。為讓國小學童了解傳統、新興化石燃料及核能之間的差異性,進行課程綱要評估,卻無關連性,故編列教材,並對本研發教材進行評估。 施測前,將學生分為實驗組與對照組,透過實施創新教材內容教學前後施測,根據施測所得之數據,以SPSS(17.0版)統計軟體進行各項描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、成對樣本t檢定。研究結果顯示及發現: 一、五年級學童進行創新教材教學前,在整份問卷(含實驗組與對照組)的平均答對率為0.55。其中第一向度-「非再生能源知多少」中的平均答對率達0.74,代表五年級學童對非再生能源基本知識的先備知識頗佳,顯見實施多年的基礎能源教育已見成效。 二、五年級學童進行創新教材教學前,在「新興能源」及「核能」的平均答對率分別為0.44、0.47,比「非再生能源知多少」的平均答對率低30%,由此可知五年級學童對此知識顯得陌生。 三、實施教材教學後,實驗組學童在各向度的總答對率為0.78,較教材教學前的總答對率0.54,實驗組透過教學後明顯進步24%,具有顯著差異性;對照組學童的總答對率為0.53,較教材教學前的總答對率0.58,對照組後測較前測退步5%。由此可知實施本教材確有學習成效。 四、對實驗組進行非再生能源創新教材學習成效獨立t檢定後發現,在未實施教材教學前,其前測總分F檢定為0.198且雙尾顯著性為0.115及0.151均大於0.05,未具有顯著差異。在實施教材教學後,其後測總分雙尾顯著性均為0.000小於0.05,即表示實驗組透過非再生能源創新教材學習後,對非再生能源的概念及認知方面明顯提升。 五、實驗組在前、後測的成對樣本t檢定中,非再生能源知多少、煤氣油了怎麼辦、新興能源、核能及知識總分等各向度的平均數差異為-0.51323、-1.20635、-1.49735、-1.84656及-5.06349,後測的平均數明顯提高,且無論哪一個向度顯著性雙尾值均為0.000 < 0.05,亦即表示實驗組透過本研究自編非再生能源創新教材學習後,顯見實驗組的施測結果,前測與後測的平均得分具有顯著差異,亦即透過非再生創新教材教學後,學童對非再生能源認知方面的概念及認知能力明顯提升。 期望透過研究結果提出具體建議,供未來推廣相關教材之參考。


“Energy education” has always been considered to be one of the most effective tools to combat global warming. It is hoped that the educational process can allow citizens to have relevant knowledge and literacy, and integrate the energy-saving life attitudes into their lives. Thus, the researcher participated in developing non-renewable energy innovative instructional materials, focusing on traditional and new fossil fuels and nuclear energy to compile innovative instructional materials for fifth grade elementary school students. This study performed a preliminary analysis on the Science and Technology field of Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines, including 138 items, before the R&D of the teaching materials. After the screening, this study found that 13 items were associated with energy education. To enable elementary school students to understand the differences among traditional, emerging fossil fuels and nuclear energy, this study assessed the curriculum guidelines. However, this study found that most of these guidelines were irrelevant to energy education. Therefore, this study developed teaching materials and assessed them. Before the tests, the students were assigned to the experimental group and control group. This study conducted a pre-test and post-test on the implementation of teaching of innovative energy teaching materials. In addition, this study used the SPSS statistical software (Version 17.0), various descriptive statistical analyses, independent sample t test and paired sample t test to analyze the data obtained from the tests. The research results and findings are as follows: 1.Before the implementation of the teaching of innovative energy teaching materials, the average correct response rate of the overall questionnaire (including the experimental group and control group) of grade 5 students was 0.55. The average correct response rate of the first dimension – “knowledge on non-renewable energies” was 0.74, suggesting that the prior knowledge of grade 5 students on basic knowledge of non-renewable energies was sufficient. It is clear that the fundamental energy education which has been implemented for many years has achieved effectiveness. 2.Before the implementation of the teaching of innovative energy teaching materials, the average correct response rate of grade 5 students in “emerging energies” and “nuclear energy” was 0.44 and 0.47, respectively, which were lower than the average correct response rate of “knowledge on non-renewable energies” by 30%. It could be inferred that grade 5 students were unfamiliar with such knowledge. 3.After the implementation of the teaching of teaching materials, the total correct response rate of the students in the experimental group in various dimensions was 0.78, which increased by 24%, compared to the total correct response rate (0.54) before the implementation of the teaching of teaching materials, and the difference reached significance. The total correct response rate of the students in the control group was 0.53, which decreased by 5%, compared to the total correct response rate (0.58) before the implementation of the teaching of teaching materials. It could be inferred that the learning effectiveness of the implementation of the teaching of teaching materials was good. 4.The independent t test on the learning effectiveness of innovative teaching materials of non-renewable energies in the experimental group found that, before the implementation of the teaching of teaching materials, the F-test of the total score of the pre-test was 0.198 and the two-tailed significance values were 0.115 and 0.151 (>0.05), which did not reach a significant difference. After the implementation of the teaching of teaching materials, the total score and the two-tailed significance value were 0.000 (<0.05). It could be inferred that, after the implementation of the teaching of innovative teaching materials of non-renewable energies, the students’ concept and cognition of non-renewable energies significantly improved. 5.The paired sample t test on the experimental group showed that the difference in the mean between the pre-test and post-test of various dimensions, such as “knowledge on non-renewable energies,” “How to deal with the lack of gas,” “emerging energy,” “nuclear energy” and total score of knowledge was -0.51323, -1.20635, -1.49735, -1.84656 and -5.06349, respectively. The means of the post-test were significantly higher. In addition, the two-tailed significance value of all the dimensions was 0.000 < 0.05, namely, after the implementation of the teaching of teaching materials of non-renewable energies developed in this study, there was a significant difference in the mean scores between the pre-test and post-test. In other words, after the implementation of the teaching of teaching materials of non-renewable energies, the students’ concept and cognition of non-renewable energies significantly improved. According to the research results, this study proposed specific suggestions as reference to relevant units and future studies for propaganda and promotion of relevant energy teaching materials.


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