  • 學位論文


The Influence of Energy Innovation Teaching Materials on Eighth Grade Students' Learning Effectiveness: A Case Study at a Middle School in Wuri District, Taichung, Taiwan

指導教授 : 白子易 張迪惠


教育是改變人類行為的最好方法,期望透過能源教育的推展,使大家具備相關的能源知識及素養,進而將節能減碳的態度融入生活中。 本研究旨在運用能源創新教材的教學,以臺中市烏日區某國中八年級學生為研究對象,將學生分為實驗組與對照組,透過實施能源創新教材內容教學,以「能源創新教材學習成效之分析測驗問卷」為研究工具,採用前後測問卷,藉以評估此教材對於國中八年級學生提升能源知識之學習成效。根據施測所得之數據,以Statistical Product and Service Solutions(SPSS)統計軟體進行各項描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、成對樣本t檢定。研究結果顯示及發現: 1.國中八年級學生在進行能源創新教材教學前,在整份問卷(含實驗組 與對照組)的平均答對率為0.65。其中以第一向度-「再生能源」中的平均答對率達0.76為最高,代表國中八年級學生對再生能源基本的先備知識頗佳,顯見實施多年的基礎能源教育已見成效。 2.國中八年級實驗組學生在進行能源創新教材教學前,在「非再生能源」 及「節能減碳」的平均答對率分別為0.61、0.63,比「再生能源」的平均答對率低約15%;其中,「新興能源」及「碳捕獲儲存技術」這兩個面向的答對率分別為0.43、0.52,為答對率最低的兩個面向,由此可知國中八年級學生對此方面相關知識比較不熟悉。 3.實施能源創新教材教學後,實驗組八年級學生在各向度的總答對率為 0.77,而教材教學前的總答對率0.66,表示實驗組透過教學後明顯進步0.11,也就是提高了11%,答對率明顯有提升。 4.在實施教材教學後,對實驗組與對照組進行獨立樣本t檢定,整體分析 其後測三個向度及總分的雙尾顯著性均為0.000小於0.05,即表示實驗組透能源創新教材學習後,對能源的概念及認知方面明顯提升。 5.實驗組在前、後測的成對樣本t檢定中,實驗組前測對後測在再生能源、 非再生能源、節能減碳三個向度及知識總分的平均得分差異分別為-1.256、-2.121、-2.592、-5.969,可見後測的平均得分皆有明顯提高,且無論哪一個向度顯著性雙尾值均為0.000 < 0.05,亦即表示實驗組透過能源創新教材學習後,臺中市國中八年級學生在能源知識方面是有明顯差異。 期望透過研究結果提出具體建議,供未來推廣相關教材之參考。 關鍵字:能源創新教材;再生能源;非再生能源;節能減碳;學習成效


Education is the best way to change human behavior. It is hoped that popularization of energy education can instill everyone with energy-related knowledge and literacy to incorporate energy conservation and carbon reduction into everyday life. This study used energy innovation teaching materials with eighth grade students in a middle school in Wuri District, Taichung, Taiwan. Students were separated into a test group and a control group. Students were taught using the energy innovation teaching materials and given pre- and post-test questionnaires in order to evaluate the learning effectiveness of these materials regarding energy knowledge. SPSS statistical software was used to carry out descriptive statistical analysis, independent sample t-tests, and paired sample t-tests. Results and findings: 1.The average correct answer ratio on the questionnaire for eighth grade students before use of energy innovation teaching materials (including both test and control groups) was 0.65. The average correct answer rate for the first dimension, Renewable Energies, was the highest (0.76), indicating that eighth grade students already had good basic knowledge regarding renewable energy. It is clear that the years of fundamental energy education has already had an effect. 2.The average pre-test correct answer ratios for Non-renewable Energies and Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction for the students in the test group were 0.61 and 0.63, respectively, approximately 15% lower than that for Renewable Energies. The two dimensions with the lowest correct answer ratios were Emerging Energies and Carbon Capture and Storage Technology, which were 0.43 and 0.52, respectively. This shows that eighth grade students were less familiar with information related to these dimensions. 3.The post-test total correct answer ratio for the test group was 0.77, higher than the pre-test correct answer ratio of 0.66, indicating that the test group improved 11% after using the teaching materials. This difference was statistically significant. 4.After using the teaching materials, independent sample t-tests were used to analyze two-tailed significance for three dimensions and overall scores of post-tests, which were all 0.000 (lower than 0.05), indicating that the test group's concepts and cognition of energy significantly improved through the use of energy innovation teaching materials. 5.In paired sample t-tests for test group pre- and post-tests, the total scores for pre-tests differed from post-tests -1.256, -2.121, -2.592, and -5.969 in the Renewable Energies, Non-renewable Energies, Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction dimensions and knowledge, respectively. This shows that the average post-test scores notably improved. Two-tailed significance values for all dimensions were 0.000 < 0.05, indicating that test group students' cognitive concepts and competencies regarding energy significantly improved through the use of energy innovation teaching materials. It is hoped that these research results can be used to propose concrete suggestions for the future promotion of related teaching materials. Keywords: Energy innovation teaching materials; Renewable energy; Non-renewable energy; Energy conservation and carbon reduction; Learning effectiveness


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