  • 學位論文


A Study of Leisure Expenditure On Senior Family

指導教授 : 陳宗玄


本研究主要以不同社會經濟地位銀髮族家庭為主要研究對象,以1996年至2007年家庭收支概況調查為主要資料來源,探討戶長為銀髮族家庭之休閒消費支出概況,並進行分析影響銀髮族家庭休閒消費支出之因素,經由Tobit 模型之建立,並以最大概似法加以推估,研究結果與發現如下: 銀髮族戶長可支配所得愈高,參與休閒活動的意願相對增加;其教育程度愈高,家庭休閒消費支出愈多;而銀髮族男性戶長偏重旅遊和書報雜誌購買,女性戶長則偏重在娛樂消遣方面;已婚銀髮族戶長在旅遊、娛樂消遣服務、娛樂器材及附屬品之支出高於未婚之家庭,而未婚銀髮族在書報雜誌之支出多於已婚家庭;銀髮族家庭中人數愈多,休閒消費支出愈高;家中有0~6歲嬰幼兒銀髮族家庭休閒消費支出降低;有7~12歲青少年之家庭則無明顯改變;健康因素會影響銀髮族家庭之休閒消費支出;擁有自用住宅的銀髮族家庭,與旅遊、娛樂器材及附屬品兩方面的支出有顯著且正向相關。 綜合上述研究結果,建議培養銀髮族休閒活動規劃專業人才,以加強休閒產業人員對於銀髮族身心狀況及家庭結構的了解,設計合適且安全之軟硬體活動安排,包括無障礙設施、醫療資源、書報雜誌及休閒器材的適用性;透過社區教育活動建立銀髮族正確的休閒活動觀念,並藉由社區鄰里活動的舉辦,鼓勵銀髮族及其家庭積極參與。以上建議做為政府及民間相關單位規劃銀髮族休閒活動之參考。


The major participants of study are senior families of different social and economic position. The major resourse is Family Revenue and Expenditure Survey Investigation from 1996 to 2007 to study senior family household head”s leisure expenditure, analysing reasons cause senior family letsure expenditure, and through building Tobit Regression Model and Method of Maximum Likelihood, the conclusion as follows: The more disposible income that senior family household head could get, the more they will be willing to participate in leisure activities; the higher education they obtain, the more leisure expenditure they will spend. Male senior family household head favors traveling and buying books, newspapers and magazines, but for female senior family household head, they favors other amusements. Married senior family household head spends more in traveling, consuming amusement services and entertainment equipment and accessories than unmarrried one. Unmarried senior family spend more in books and magazines. The more members in senior family, the higher they will spend in leisure expenditure. If senior family members include 0-6 years old children, the leisure expenditure is lower. But the members include 7-12 year old teenagers, it would be nothing change. Health does matter in senior family leisure expenditure. The senior family with their own house have positive correlation between traveling and consuming amusement services and entertainment equipment and accessories. In conclusion from the above, we suggest that professionals should be developed for planning senior civilians leisure activities. And for doing this, they should know more about elders body and mind, and family structure to design appropriate and safe activities, including free access for the disabled, medical resourses, and suitable books, magazines, entertaiment equipment. Educat them right leisure concept and encourage them to participate in activities from community. The suggestion is for the future research.


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