  • 學位論文


New nature life in city

指導教授 : 謝銘峰


當代的生活模式,朝著高科技文明發展,身體的勞力儼然被機械取代,人們的相處因著機械文明及科技物件的出現而越發疏離。廣告不斷推出更輕薄、功能更多、更強的新奇發明物,科技強化日常生活的效率,我們依賴著這世界便捷的系統與介面,無形中也漸漸忽略了身體的感知能力。生產技術在都市裡拼裝,系統整體將「理性化」推到極致,個人意識領域窄化,社會制約了想像力和原創性。 研究過程與方法中,以布希亞(Jean Baudrillard)提出的「物體系」、梅洛龐蒂(Maurice Merleau-Ponty)的「知覺現象學」及梅林(Samuel B. Mallin)「情境空間」的觀點,重新思考現代居住及生活的關係,將「鄉村經驗」置入高密度發展的都市,透過看似衝突的兩種生活空間經驗之間的差異,相互對應出都市中生活性空間介面潛在的問題。由於鄉村生活真實擁有的土地比例遠超過都市,故嘗試以其過去自然性中豐富的身體經驗及歷程作為在都市中創造生活空間的切入點。 以旅館作為推展議題。提供短期都市居住空間的類型,將其視為人們在都市空間移動時的家外之家,盡可能滿足各種消費需求的過程中,衍生出不同類型的情境空間,透過短暫的停留經驗一種都市生活空間的型態,為高密度的當代生活,提供一種批判性反思與預想的觀點。


In the modern lifestyle, as high-tech culture develops, manual labor is replaced with machineries, while interpersonal relationships drift further apart due to the advent of machine culture and technological objects. Advertisements constantly introduce slimmer, more powerful and more novel inventions with greater functionalities; technology has strengthened daily life efficiency, and we come to rely on the convenient system and interface of such a world, which causes us to gradually neglect the perceptive ability of our bodies. Production technology is assembled in the urban environment, and the system has pushed rationalization to the extreme, so that individual awareness is narrowed; society has restricted imagination and originality. For the research process and methodology, based on the perspectives of Baudrillard’s System of Objects, Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception and Mellin’s Spatial Context, the relationship between modern living and life is reexamined, where the country experience is introduced into the high density and highly developed urban environment to examine the interface produced by the two seemingly conflicting living experiences. Since the land ratio enjoyed in the country far exceeds that of cities, therefore, the space created in cities, which employs abundant physical experience and progress, is the target of examination. Taking the hotel as example, it is a short-term accommodation space in the urban area and is regarded as a home away from home. It fulfills the needs of the consumers as much as possible, and numerous types of spatial contexts are derived from it; another type of urban living space can be experienced through brief stays, in turn providing a perspective of critical reflection and anticipation.


(6)黃建宏、林宜萱譯,Jean Baudrillard, Jean Nouvel著,2002《獨特物件-建築與哲學的對話》,田園城市 台北。
(16) 洪靜霞 1990《台灣國際觀光旅館國人住宿需求之研究》朝陽科技大學休閒管理研究所 霧峰。
(19) 蔡宗明 1993《城市 導覽 居所》,東海大學建築研究所 台中。
(20) 劉佩樺1995《兄弟飯店增建女子旅館》,東海大學建築研究所 台中。
(4)林志明譯,Jean Baudrillard著,1997《物體系》時報出版 台北。



