  • 學位論文


Effects of display technology and stimulus type on time to visual fatigue

指導教授 : 吳欣潔


資訊傳遞及接收十分迅速,能夠隨身攜帶的口袋顯示設備將會是未來的主流,而智慧型手機價格的親民化讓智慧型手機逐漸普及化。智慧型手機的顯示面板主要分為TFT-LCD和AMOLED,而觀看這兩種顯示面板多久會產生視覺疲勞目前尚未清楚,本研究希望能找出視覺疲勞出現時間供未來使用者避免長時間觀看而產生視覺疲勞的累積。 本研究主要是了解使用者分別使用兩種智慧型手機面板時,在動態(進行遊戲)和靜態(閱讀文章)兩種刺激型態產生視覺疲勞時間是否會有差異,嘗試找出人們在持續觀看智慧型手機最大能忍受之時間。 實驗結果顯示:人們觀看兩種不同面板皆在60分鐘內就有眼睛疲勞徵兆出現,而且觀看TFT-LCD出現疲勞的時間比觀看AMOLED還晚。動態刺激導致的視覺疲勞出現時間比靜態刺激來的晚。受試者觀看兩種面板的最大容忍時間是有顯著差異的,但是觀看兩種刺激型態的最大容忍時間卻無顯著差異。總之,使用AMOLED手機較容易產生視覺疲勞,建議大家如需長時間使用手機,最好挑選TFT-LCD螢幕為較佳。


Nowadays information receiving and transmission is very quickly. In order to obtain information anywhere, a pocket-size display shall become the mainstream in the near future. Handheld devices are discussed recently. Because the smart- phone becomes cheaper and cheaper, the smartphone will be popular in our life in recent years. Smartphone display technology have two types, including TFT-LCD and AMOLED. Little studies investigated time to visual fatigue for watching these two display types. Therefore, this study expects to find time to fatigue while using these two display types in order to prevent users from accumulative visual fatigue after prolonged viewing the small size screens. This study explores time to visual fatigue for two stimulus types, dynamic (playing a game) and static (reading an article) stimuli and tries to understand whether these results are different.The maximum time to fatigue are also found here for prolonged viewing the small size screens. The results indicated that when people watch two different smartphone displays, they would have visual fatigue symptoms within 60 minutes. The time to fatigue from TFT-LCD was longer than that of AMOLED. Dynamic stimuli caused longer time to fatigue than static stimulus. The time to fatigue were significant different between the two types of screen. However, the time to fatigue were similar between the dynamic and static stimuli. Because using AMOLED smartphone easily led to visual fatigue, we suggested everyone to use TFT-LCD display for prolonged using smartphone.


號:NSC 89-2213-E011-024),國立台灣科技大學工業管理系,台北(2000)。


