  • 學位論文


Kaohsiung City residents of food away from home Research of Consumer Behavior

指導教授 : 陳宗玄


摘 要 本研究主要探討高雄市居民外食消費行為,採用舊稱EKB模式(2000年改名為CDP消費決策過程模式)之消費者決策過程,來探究國人外食消費者行為。問卷內容包括消費者的人口統計變項與消費者行為二大部份,並輔以消費者行為理論模式加以驗證。研究當中針對外食消費族群飲食行為與人口統計變項作深入分析探討;然而透過消費者購買決策過程,了解外食族群對採購外食如何定位? 五都改選縣市合併後,其中旗山區:「旗美九區」包含所轄範圍共九區故稱之,例如:旗山區、美濃區、六龜區、杉林區、甲仙區、內門區、桃源區、茂林區、那瑪夏區。即為本研究之主要抽樣範圍,研究者採地區選擇性「便利抽樣」方式進行問卷調查,調查時間為2012年3月到4月,總計發出400份問卷,回收368份問卷,回收率為92%,扣除無效問卷9份,實得有效樣本共計359份,有效回收率為90%。研究工具係修改自蘇楓雅(2007)正式問卷編制而成,即包含兩大部份:外食消費行為與個人基本資料。所得資料以敘述性統計以及卡方檢定分析進行資料統計分析後,研究結果如下: 一、確立「混種消費者」影響,意謂銀髮族想要年輕化,社會新鮮人想要裝成熟,月光族想要追求物質享受,上流社會卻想平凡低調,如此消費模式產生出矛盾消費情結,跨越既有的生活型態與價值觀模式。 二、經由本研究結果證實,現今消費模式確實走向「單身化」,即便是傳統小家庭,家庭成員每個人的生活皆隨時處於「一個人」的獨處狀態。 三、現代人生活繁忙,對於餐飲消費需求便侷限於時間,因此當消費者在購買外食時,便利導向將會是消費者在購買外食時的主要訴求。 【關鍵字】外食、消費者行為、消費者行為理論模式、混種消費者。


Abstract This study investigated food away from home of the consumption behavior in the Kaohsiung City residents, the formerly known as EKB model(2000 changed its name to the CDP consumer decision-making process mode), to explore the behavior of food away from home consumers. The questionnaire included consumers demographic variables and consumer behavior part, supported by consumer behavior theory model to be verified. Which studies food consumer groups for food away from home behavior and demographic variables for in-depth analysis to explore; However, through the consumer purchase decision-making process, understand the ethnic of food away from home is how to locate procurement? Taiwan Five city elections, Among them Qishan District: called the 「Qi-Mei nine districts」"hence the term contains a total of nine towns under the jurisdiction of the scope of example: Qishan District、Meinong District、Liouguei District、Shanlin District、Jiaxian District、Neimen District、Taoyuan District、Maolin District and Namasia District.Is the sampling frame for this study, researchers used regional selectivity "convenience sampling" approach to conduct questionnaire survey was conducted in March 2012 to April, a total of 400 questionnaires were sent to recycling of 368 questionnaires were distributed, and the recovery of 92%, net of invalid questionnaires, nine were actual valid samples of a total of 359 valid response rate of 90%. Studying tools are based on "FAFH-consumer behavior form" "Personal data form" The collected data were descriptive statistics and chi-squire test the results are as follows: 1. To establish "hybrid consumer" means the older you want to younger, young and want to install mature, no money to want pursuit of material comfort, the rich want to ordinary low-key,so consumption patterns the contradictions consumer complex, spanning both the lifestyle and values model. 2. The results of this study confirm the consumption patterns of today is indeed towards a "single" even if it is the traditional nuclear family, the lives of everyone of the family members are at any time in the solitude of a state. 3. The busy modern life, food and beverage consumer demand will be limited to time, so when consumers purchase food, convenience-oriented will be the main demands of consumers buy food away from home. 【Keywords】food away from home, consumer behavior, consumer behavior theory model, hybrid consumers.




林文章(2016)。臺中市居民早午餐消費行為之研究- 以臺中成旅晶贊飯店為例〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-1108201714031505
