  • 學位論文


A Study on Current Status of Natural Burial Grounds in Taiwan

指導教授 : 周慧瑜


面積3萬多平方公里的台灣島,面臨著殯葬用地長期耗用土地資源與破壞景觀的問題。殯葬設施必須要能提供並滿足社會需求,但為達成節約土地與有效保護環境與生態的目標,殯葬設施該怎麼做、做什麼,政府單位與民間業者至今尚未見明確的共識方向與政策指引。 目前國內所稱之生態葬法,是指樹、花、草、灑、海葬等不立墓碑之生態葬法,作法簡單、對環境友善、不需耗費龐大人力物力即可力行。因此,火化後骨灰的安葬方式如果能採用生態葬法,應可促進自然環境的永續發展。本研究為進行國內生態葬墓園之現況檢視與探討後續可行之推動策略,經由問卷調查的方式,發現受訪者接受生態葬是回歸大自然的觀念者達69%,並認同生態葬可減少土葬對景觀造成負面影響者有64%。但囿於傳統風水觀念根深蒂固,再加上業者已營造出墓園奢華化的發展趨勢,受訪者中不願採用生態葬的比例仍有32%。此外,針對國內當前生態葬墓園的現況檢討,受訪者認為設施提供有所不足的比例有78%;在政策推動上,則認為納骨塔因為沒有使用年限和管理機制,未來骨灰塔逐漸傾毀殘破後,其存廢或善後處理將成為政府必須面對的棘手問題者更高達88%,也因此有55%的受訪者表示,在二次葬時實行生態葬法是可被接受的作法。因此,政府未來在生態葬政策的推動方向上,應順應時勢作彈性的調整。尤其國人對後事的辦理往往涉及宗教信仰的因素,無法以制式或強迫去勉強,應以循序漸進方式先推廣國人接納生態葬為二次葬法。當第二次葬蔚然成風氣並有相當成果時,國人才有可能逐漸接受減少第一次殯葬經費而直接採用生態葬法來完成人生後事。且若能落實第二次葬使用生態葬方式,並加強生態葬設施之完善度,則納骨塔的問題也將迎刃而解,為促使我國的環境保護更邁進一步。


永續發展 二次葬 生態葬法


”While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die.”~Leonardo Da Vinci Taiwan, covering an area of about 36,000 square kilometers, has limited land resources, but unreasonably large proportion of the lands are occupied by unsightly burial grounds. Supplies of funeral facilities have to meet social demands, and should meanwhile give consideration to economizing on land use and protecting eco-environment. However, neither civil administration authority nor private industry has tangible blueprint or executive plans. The so-called natural burial methods include tree burial, flower burial, lawn burial, sea spray burial, etc., by which no tomb or tombstone would be needed. The above methods are advocated for simple process, environment friendly, as well as manpower and material resources saving. On the basis that natural burial methods should be promoted to help forward sustainable development of our country, this research carried on a questionnaire survey to review current conditions of domestic natural burial facilities and to find feasible strategies for promoting natural burial methods. The survey results showed that 69% of respondents agree with the conviction of returning human bodies to nature by natural burial, and 64% of respondents said that natural burial methods can reduce negative impact on landscape resulted from traditional burial grounds. However, there were still 32% of respondents said they wouldn’t choose natural burial method because of their beliefs in feng shui or their preference for luxurious burial parks which were fashionable in recent years. 78% of respondents also regarded that existing natural burial facilities couldn’t satisfy all their requirements. On the other hand, up to 88% of respondents worried that the maintenance or abolition of memorial pagodas would turn into a troublesome issue when they gradually become dilapidated. Moreover, in particular, 55% of respondents showed positive inclination to use natural burial methods on second-funeral. According to the survey results, a suggestion could be made for government that the promotion of natural burial methods should be made step by step, and preliminary tactics should include upgrading natural burial service level and preaching natural burial methods for second-funeral. If natural burial methods got broad acceptance in second-funeral, they could be expected popularly accepted in the future.


1. 曾春海(1998-9),生態學及道家向度的環保美學,哲學與文化,25卷第九期,第805頁。
1. 黃榮臻(2008),墓葬的倫理探討,中央大學哲學研究所,第10、28頁。
2. 蘇振賢(2009),綠建築應用對台灣建設公司經營競爭優勢之影響研究,朝陽科技大學營建工程系碩士論文,第11頁。
5. 聯合國世界環境發展委員會,「Our Common Future—The World Commission on Environment and Development.」(1987)。
4. The Natural Burial Association網站:http://www.naturalburialassoc.ca/,(2012/04/03)。


