  • 學位論文


The Design and Research of Decorative Flame Products

指導教授 : 陳維隆


在歐美澳等地區,特別是中高緯度地區,平均溫度較低,空間加熱設施為居民日常必需品,在這些地區室內與室外之明火加熱或裝飾火焰裝置非常普遍,實為一項重要的民生用品。 由燃料趨勢來看,未來使用木材的壁爐將逐漸減少,相對於生質乙醇壁爐,歐美國家在瓦斯壁爐相關產品上已有完整的規範,因此大規模加熱仍以使用瓦斯的裝置佔多數,故壁爐市場趨勢短期乃以瓦斯燃料為主流。 雖然燃料燃燒裝置擁有發展的趨勢,但美國消費品安全委員會(CPSC,2011)所發表的研究報告中指出了各種燃料引起的意外,讓人聞之卻步,因此本論文研究目的,期望發展出較為安全之裝飾火焰產品,改善並解決現有產品對於燃料所引起的意外甚至透過產品營造及傳達出使用者們的情感,使社交活動能更加有氣氛及個人情緒情感的釋放。 為了使觀賞火焰產品能更加廣泛及安全的應用在各種社交及個人觀賞的環境下,更加方便操作和功能是研究的重點,所產生出的觀賞火焰產品,其中火焰效果及外型結構操作將會是研究的方向。


In Europe , America and Australia , especially in high latitudes , area heating of facilies is required . In fuel trend , using sustainable energy such as biofuels without oil will be inevitable , and then firewood fireplace will decrease gradually in future . In Europe and America , because the related gas fireplace has had perfect regulations , most heating facilities still use gas combustion . Although the fuel device has trend for development , the fact that reports of Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) indicated to accident caused by fuels , the purpose of this paper expects to create safer decorative flame product and improve the accident by fuels , even communicate the emotions of users , so that social activities can have more atmosphere . For decorative flame product can be wider and safer to apply to all social activities and personal area , so being convenient and functional are our point of research . And our direction of the research will be flame effect and structure of product .


(1) 王魯民,陳琛,2004,<香燭與壁爐-從火的使用看中西傳統住宅的不同>,《新建築》,p.43-44。
(2) 林大惠,2002,<燃燒火焰知多少>,《科學發展》,335期
(3) 劉明錫,2013,<裝飾性火焰裝置之設計與研發>,朝陽科技大學。
(4) 羅堂元,2014,<桌面裝飾火焰產品之研究與發展>朝陽科技大學。
