  • 學位論文


Rural Community Industry Development Strategy Planning- A Case Study of a Rural Community in Chengdu

指導教授 : 李宗政


陸游 《蔬食戲書》 新津韭黃天下無,色如鵝黃三尺餘,東門彘肉更奇絕,肥美不減胡羊酥。 貴珍詎敢雜常饌,桂炊薏米圓比珠。還吳此味那復有,日飯脫粟焚枯魚。 人生口腹何足道,往往坐役七尺軀。羶葷從今一掃除,夜煮白石箋陰符。 陸游,南宋著名詩人,相傳是不亞於蘇東坡的烹飪大師,更有上百首詠 吟烹飪之詩詞創作,曾在四川長期為官,對於四川美食興味濃厚。於《蔬食 戲書》一開頭即指出成都「新津韭黃天下無,色如鵝黃三尺餘」,但令後人 更加注目的,亦詠出「還吳此味那復有」的動人詩句,更顯陸游在離蜀多年 後,還念念不忘四川美食。今日,我們無須自先人的嘉言美句中想像這些美 食,在成都市新津縣興義鎮岷江社區,放眼一整片青蔥綠意的韭菜田中,點 綴著一長排披著黑色網紗、小巧玲瓏的茅草房,就珍藏了陸游心中摯愛的美 味;更在岷江社區居民胼手胝足辛勤勞作下,岷江社區的韭黃、韭菜、韭菜 花,重現了在陸游詩詞中最具中國文化底蘊的美味。 彙總上述說明,成都市興義鎮岷江社區無論是農作生產上之韭黃、韭菜 與韭菜花,以及近年來興起之高價值作物-獼猴桃、藍莓與折耳根,已是當 地農作生產命脈。近年來,於新津鎮歷任領導的全力耕耘下,以及國家新農 村政策,讓新津鎮之經濟建設日新月異,更為岷江社區逐步帶來了嶄新的生 活面貌。因此,本研究將針對岷江社區在地產業之整體發展策略提出規劃與 建言,即透過以實務個案所研擬之技術報告,完成本篇碩士論文之研究訓練, 祈能透過翻轉社區產業、再造窳陋空間進而提升生活品質、永續呵護既有珍 貴生態環境,如同比鄰的國家級 4A 級斑竹林景區,營造岷江社區成為「生 活、生產、生態」的三生一體之 4A 級優質社區願景。


This research study had adopted the case – a rural community in Chengdu, China, to develop the sixth-grade industrial strategies for a rural community with combining the local primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Refer Chen and Wang (2014), the sixth-grade industry concept is promoted by Naraomi Imamura; which is based on utilizing the integration of agriculture producing, processing, promotion and selling, with the local tour in experiential marketing concepts, in order to raise value of the local rural agricultural products and stimulate employment of rural communities, to try to boom up the economy in rural areas. In this study, owing to the most famous agriculture products of the primary industry in this rural community are “Chinese Chive” with its derivatives, kiwifruits and blueberries. Thus, we have tried to adopt these local raw agriculture products to develop the frozen food and instant food as secondary industry. Furthermore, considering that modern urban children do not have the opportunity to experience the hardships of farming, we have designed farming tourism experiences as the tertiary industry for this rural community. The above-mentioned primary, secondary and tertiary industries are combined as the industry development strategy of the sixth-grade industry in this case study.


1. 中華人民共和國,《中華人民共和國國民經濟和社會發展第十三個五 年規劃綱要(簡稱:十三五規劃)》,2016年3月。
2. 中華人民共和國國家標準(國家旅遊局),《旅遊景區品質等級的劃 分與評定》,2003年。
3. 行政院農業委員會花蓮區農業改良場, 《韭菜良好農業規範(TGAP)》, 2007年。
4. 成都市農業局,推進成都幸福美麗新村建設專案計畫協議書,2016年。
5. 徐進發,2016年6月,《六级产业暨莲花文创精品村发展规划-新津县 永商镇九莲村、宝桥村、商隆村》,創意美學有限公司。
