  • 學位論文


The Study of the Impacts on Workplace and Family Life of the Line Users

指導教授 : 黃文星


隨著社群媒體的廣泛應用,對於職場上及家庭、日常生活的溝通聯繫方式,有了相當大的影響,在臺灣Line的使用更是普遍,Line儼然已成為臺灣人生活中不可或缺的一部分。 當然,資訊科技帶給現代人的便利性不容否認,但是也同樣衍生不少問題,諸如:駭客竊取個資的問題、人與人間的關係益形疏遠、工作職場生態的轉變,甚至因為它所帶來隱形的工時及工作量等問題,實不可輕忽。 為探討Line對於使用者在職場上及家庭、日常生活所衍生的利弊得失及影響,故本研究以研究者任職機關同仁作為調查母體,並採人員調查方式以取得樣本。經分析後得知,受訪者在使用Line的動機與職場工作效能兩者之間存在顯著正相關;另,Line的使用亦有助於家庭情感的聯繫,不過對家庭的負面影響則無明顯關係。 最後,本研究擬根據上述研究結果,建議相關單位以及公家機關,當員工在使用Line傳送相關資料時,應訂定相當程度的規範,避免機密資訊外流。此外,雖然使用Line的動機還不至於對家庭造成負面影響,或是危及使用者的身體健康,不過,未來若無適當之規範的話,負面效果極有可能會一一浮現。


Following the widespread use of social media, it has revolutionary impacts on the workplace, and daily family life. Especially, line-a Messaging App- has prevailed in Taiwan; moreover, it has become a part of Taiwanese daily lives. Without a doubt, it brings some concerns while providing convenience for us, including- hacking, alienated from the society, potential overwork, etc., which we need to take into considerations. In order to get a better understanding of the impacts on workplace and family life of the line users, we have conducted a survey of the research worker’s colleagues. The survey of the results showed that it has direct links between the efficiency of workplace and the motivation of the line users, and nurturing the affection among the members of the family. However, no profound impacts have been found on daily family life. Finally, based on the results, we suggest that a code of conduct should be published for the line users, especially, for the government employees. So far, no hazards to the users’ health or negative impacts on their daily life have been detected. Nevertheless, the negative impacts will loom ahead if we couldn’t abide by the code of conduct. Thus, without restraint, it will become a nightmare for the line users.


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