  • 學位論文


The Influences of Personal Traits of Dog Owners and Relationship between Dog and Human on Purchase Intention

指導教授 : 陳悅琴 洪伯毅


近年來寵物市場在全世界逐漸發展, 據世界動物保護協會(WSPA)所提供的統計數據,迅速增長寵為物用品的市場,估計在 2014 年會提高到 355億美元。顯然,台灣經濟正在迅速成長,社會不斷進步。行政院農業委員會表示,於 2009 年寵物用品和寵物食品分別為新台幣 64 億和新台幣 78億,並估計該行業即將於 2015 年增長至新台幣 79 億和新台幣 93 億。有鑒于此,本研究棌用質性和量化研究方法,訪談四位飼主以了解寵物飼主行為。量化研究部分,本研究分別就發放問卷於臺灣寵物飼主(99份),和馬來西亞寵物飼主(101 份)。結果顯示,來自臺灣和馬來西亞的飼主購買的產品有顯著差異。因此,各種因素如兩國不同的文化和環境影響可能對寵物飼主造成消費行為影響。 關鍵字:人格特質、寵物飼主、依附關係、購買意願


This thesis is to investigate the influences of personal traits of dog owners and the relationship between dog and human on purchase intention. The pet industry market in the whole world is developing in these recent years. According to the statistics data provided by World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), the most rapid growth in this industry would be the pet products market. Apparently, the economy of Taiwan is growing rapidly, and the society is developing continuously. Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan estimated that the growth of the industry would be increasing to 7.9billion Taiwan Dollars and 9.3billion Taiwan Dollars in 2015. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were applied in this research. To be more specific, interview with dog owners were conducted and online questionnaires were distributed to dog owners from Taiwan and Malaysia respectively. A total of 200 copies of online questionnaires were distributed. Results suggested that there are significant differences for the products purchased by the owners from two different countries. Thus, various factors such as distinct culture and environment between two countries should be taken into consideration, as these could be the impact on the behavior of dog owners. Keywords: Personal Traits, Dog Owners, Attachment, Purchase Intention


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