  • 學位論文


Research on Money Attitude of Elementary School Students

指導教授 : 楊敏鈴


本研究旨在探討國小學童的金錢態度, 其研究方法採用叢集抽樣的方式,抽取台中市8所國小二、四、六年級各一班的學生,共24個班級,總計606人。本研究工具為「國小學童金錢態度量表」, 根據所蒐集之資料,計算平均數與標準差,並以t考驗與單因子變異數等統計方式來分析,來瞭解各變項之差異情形。研究主要發現如下: 一、女童對金錢的規劃較男童謹慎;男童則較女童注重商品的品質。 二、二年級比四、六年級較視金錢為權力之象徵;二年級對金錢的使用比四年級較感焦慮不安;四年級對金錢規劃較二、六年級謹慎,其中六年級又比二年級對金錢規劃較為謹慎;四年級比二、六年級較不注重商品的品質;六年級對金錢的使用比二、四年級較感猶豫不決。 三、每星期有零用錢之學童較無零用錢之學童容易會視金錢為權力之象徵。 四、每星期零用錢在201元以上者比零用錢介於0~100元者更會視金錢為權力之象徵;零用錢介於1~50元者比零用錢0元者對金錢規劃較為謹慎。 五、有儲蓄習慣者比無儲蓄習慣者對金錢規劃較為謹慎。 六、父親年齡51歲以上者比年齡介於41~50歲者,學童較會視金錢為權力之象徵。 七、母親年齡51歲以上者比20歲以下者,學童對金錢規劃較為謹慎,並對自我金錢使用情形較感猶豫不決。 八、母親教育程度國小和國小以下者,比國中、高中職、專科或大學以及研究所以上者,學童較視金錢為權力象徵;母親教育程度在國小和國小以下者比專科、大學者,學童對金錢的擁有及使用較感焦慮不安。 九、家庭非常富裕者比富裕、錢剛好夠用以及有點負擔者,學童更視金錢為權力之象徵;家庭富裕者比有點負擔者,學童較注重商品的品質。 十、在有無手足、父親的教育程度與父母親的職業上,學童對金錢的態度則無顯著的差異。


國小學童 金錢態度


The purpose of this study was to explore the money attitude of elementary school students. This study used the cluster sampling method. There were 24 classes drawn from second, fourth and sixth grades of 8 elementary schools in Taichung City. There were 606 students included in this study. The instrument of this study was “Elementary School Students’ Money Attitude Scale.” The collected data were further analyzed with descriptive statistics such as means, standard deviation, and inferential statistics such as the t-test and One-Way Analysis of Variances (ANOVA). The findings of this study were as follows: 1. Female students tended to use money more carefully than male students. Male students paid more attention on product quality than female students. 2. Second graders viewed money as the symbol of power-prestige more than fourth and sixth graders. Second graders had more anxious about money than fourth graders. Fourth graders tended to use money more carefully than second and sixth graders. Furthermore, sixth graders tended to use money more carefully than second graders. Fourth graders paid more attention on product quality than second and sixth graders. Sixth graders tended to be more doubtful and hesitant about money than second and fourth graders. 3. Students who had a weekly allowance were more likely to view money as the symbol of power-prestige than students who did not have any allowance. 4. Students who had a weekly allowance above 201 dollars viewed money as the symbol of power-prestige more than students who had a weekly allowance between 0~100 dollars. Students who had a weekly allowance between 1~50 dollars tended to use money more carefully than students who did not have any allowance. 5. Students who had saving habits tended to use money more carefully than students who had no saving habits. 6. Students whose fathers were above 51-year-old viewed money as the symbol of power-prestige more than students whose fathers were in the age group of 41 to 50. 7. Students whose mothers were above 51-year-old tended to use money more carefully, doubtful and hesitant than students whose mothers were under 20. 8. Students whose mothers graduated from elementary school or a lower education level viewed money as the symbol of power-prestige more than students whose mothers had a higher education level. Students whose mothers graduated from elementary school or a lower education level had more anxious about money than students whose mothers had a college or university level. 9. Students came from very rich families viewed money as the symbol of power-prestige more than students came from rich, money enough or not enough families. Students came from rich families tended to use money more carefully than students came from money not enough families. 10. Siblings, fathers’ education level, and parents’ occupation did not have significant effect on the money attitude of elementary school students.




