  • 學位論文


Geothermal prototype-Lushan Hot Spring Scenic Area Geothermal Resource Integration Center

指導教授 : 劉克峰


辛樂克颱風過後,廬山溫泉的災情成為了許多問題的引爆點,全球暖化造成的氣候異常,山坡地的植被破壞,河川地佔用,成為問題的第一個層次,而當政府及人民意識到以往的開發行為導致了錢財甚至生命的重大損失時,當地的資源以及土地利用方式勢必要面臨一場變革,在政府的主導下,危險的河谷區可說是棄守,還地於水,同時也已經選擇了較安全的開發投資地點,在這塊溫泉夢的新土地上,有許多做法將是對於過去失敗教訓的回應。 本文藉由探討過去問題的根本原因,諸如能源使用型態導致氣候異常、土地開發不當所延伸出的安全問題、生態問題,最明顯的如雜亂無章的溫泉設施影響整體景觀等,並研究基地基本優勢條件如豐沛的溫泉以及其他觀光資源,思考如何在解決問題的同時,發揮基地的最大優勢。 其次,以研究資料為基礎,針對溫泉資源應用及旅遊觀光和生態緩衝方式,廣泛的蒐集各種操作方式及案例,尋求各種方案的可能性,將其歸納整合,經由概念成型搭配資源管理計畫,得出統合溫泉產能、街景、地景、生態旅遊的方案〈廬山溫泉風景區地熱資源整合中心〉,做為影響新發展區開發模式的重要指標。 最後,依照擬定的方針以及手法,將其實踐在整體建築的設計上,提出一揮別舊時代能源使用方式以及土地開發方式的溫泉建築原形,並針對新溫泉觀光區提出一支援方式及空間架構,勾勒出新溫泉街的雛型,以期未來發展溫泉產業的同時也能顧及環境問題,避免重蹈昨日的覆轍。


生態 能源 溫泉


After Typhoon Sinlaku, disaster occurred in Lushan Hot springs became the tipping on many issues, climate anomalies caused by global warming,elimination of the hillside vegetation, occupation of the riverbed, all became the first level of problem, when government and people begin to aware of the previous action has resulted the finance and even the trouble relate to human lives, The local form of using the land and resource has got to go through a revolution. Under the guidance of the government, dangerous riverbed area has to be abandoned, return the land to the original aspect of the nature itself. They also chose a more secure location to put in the investment. In this new land of hot springs, there are many practices will take place as a response to the previous lands use failures﹒ This context reviews the root of the cause of the problems in the past, for example the way of using the resource causing the climate anomaly, the safety issues came along with the lands being inappropriately developed, environmental issues, the most obvious,immethodicall installed Hot spring facilities damaging the landscape and its looking, etc. Studying and finding the basic strengths of the land itself, for example the abundance of the hot spring resource and other touring vales. While resolving the problems, make the use of the land''s strength the biggest output. Secondly, base on the research data, pinpoint the application of hot spring resource, touring and environment buffering, widely gather all kinds of operating techniques and historical cases, seek for the possibility of any plans, then gather, integrate them. Through the establish of the concept and the resource management plan. Sort out the statistics of the hot spring''s capacity, street''s view, land scape, environmental tour plan (Lushan Hot Spring Scenic Area Geothermal Resource Integration Center ) as a important and influential index of the new area development. Lastly, according to the planned policies and techniques, fulfill them on the design of the entire construction, bring out a brand new constructions and ways on the resource application and the lands development. Also bring out a support plan and space structure for the new hot spring touring. Outline the initial picture of the area''s street view, expecting when developing the hot spring industry can also cover the environmental issues. Avoiding the repeat of yesterday''s mistake.


spring energy ecology


〈3〉蘇智鈴、何建德、陳元陽、許世芸 , 2007 ,《溫泉遊憩區遊客消費行為之研究》,稻江科技暨管理學院、國立台中技術學院、亞洲大學
〈1〉Raser Technologies
〈2〉陳文樹 ,《來自地心──地熱發電的運用》
