  • 學位論文


Outdoor thermal comfortable environment of different shading types-An example for bus shelters

指導教授 : 郭柏巖


為因應都市人口增加所造成的繁雜壅塞交通,政府已將大眾運輸系統的建置,作為舒緩交通問題的通用政策,於都市交通中,最被廣泛使用的便是市區公共汽車,這不僅使得市區內的公車路網交織得更緊密,更促進公車路網沿線的候車亭設計。然而遮陰涼好的候車亭,不但可降低民眾等候公車時的不適,還可減緩太陽直射硬舖面時,所造成的高溫現象。為清楚了解公車候車亭的何種遮陰材質及遮陰形式,可提供民眾一個舒適的等候公車環境,所以本研究將以在不同遮陰材質下的,台中市公車候車亭熱環境來做為主軸,研究內容主要分為兩個部分同時進行,第一為候車亭的熱環境現場實測,第二則是後車者熱舒適度問卷調查,之後便以量測數據與受測者問卷,分析各公車亭的溫熱環境情形與受測者熱感受的現象,並更進一步提出台灣中部都會區的熱舒適接受範圍。 本研究經實際量測與分析調查結果後,發現薄膜構造的mem站,為六個公車候車亭案例中,受測者對亭內溫度感覺舒適擁有最高百分比的案例(59 %)。顯示對於受測者而言,薄膜建材用於公車候車亭,不是最差的遮罩材質,若頂面遮罩下的亭內空間,不是使用易吸熱的遮陰材質、並且保持通風及寬廣,可將其搭配較高的平均亭內高度(3.8 m),則仍可適用。另外,根據本研究針對六個公車候車亭案例,所量測到的熱環境資料、受測者熱舒適問卷的調查,所繪製出的台中市公車候車亭熱舒適接受範圍,界在SET* 18.3 ℃~26.4 ℃、,若要使之降低至Andris Auliciems所建議的可接受範圍(22.2 ℃~25.6 ℃),顯示其設計仍需做稍微的修改。本研究建議:若要選用透光性較高的建材為頂面遮罩材質,則須搭配3 公尺以上的平均亭內高度為宜;若頂面遮罩材質是使用較易吸熱的建材,則應搭配隔熱材或以雙層設計為佳。


熱舒適 候車亭 戶外熱環境


In order to cope with the traffic congestion caused by increasing urban populations, the government has used public transportation systems as the policy for alleviating traffic problems. In urban traffic, city buses are most commonly used. This not only makes the urban bus networks more developed, but also promotes the design of bus stop shelters along the lines of the bus route networks. Bus stop shelters with good shade can lower the discomfort for people while they wait for the bus, and decrease the heat caused by the sun’s direct rays on the pavement. In order to clearly understand the types of shade material and shade forms that the bus stop shelters can provide the people with a good environment while they wait for the bus, this study focuses on different thermal environments of bus stop shelters in Taichung City under different shade materials. The research content is divided into two parts; the first is the on-site testing of thermal environment of bus stop shelters, the second is the thermal comfort questionnaire for people waiting for the bus. Later, the test results and the subject questionnaires are used to analyze the thermal environmental conditions and the perceived heat by subjects, further proposing the acceptable range of thermal comfort for urban areas in central Taiwan. After actual measurement and analyzing survey results, it was found that the mem stop with membrane structures has the highest perceived comfort with the temperature in the shelter (59%) among the 6 tested bus stop shelter cases. This shows that for the subjects, membrane construction materials are not the worst shade material to be used in bus stop shelters. If the shelter space under the top cover is not a shade material that can absorb heat and maintain ventilation and space, it could be matched with higher average shelter height (3.8 m), thus it can still be used. According to the six bus stop shelter cases and the derived thermal environment data and the subjects’ thermal comfort questionnaires, the range of acceptable bus stop shelter thermal comfort is SET* 18.3 ℃~26.4 ℃. If this is to be lowered to the acceptable range stated by Andris Auliciems (22.2 ℃~25.6 ℃), it shows that the design still needs slight modification. This study suggests that if it is necessary to select construction materials with greater transparency as the top cover material, then it should be matched with more than 3 meters of average shelter height. If the top level shade material is better at absorbing heat, then it should be matched with heat insulation materials or double layer design.


2、Andreas Matzarakis、Helmut Mayer、Moses G. Iziomon,1999,Applications of a universal thermal index:physiological equivalent temperature,International Journal of Biometeorology,Vol:43,pp.76~84。


李孟謚(2016)。候車亭溫熱環境舒適度之研究 -以台中市公車候車亭為例〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-1108201714023432
