  • 學位論文

再生能源創新教材對國小五年級學童 之學習成效評估-以台中市某智類國小為例

Learning Effect Analysis of Innovative Teaching Materials for Renewable Energy on Fifth Grade Students of Elementary School:Taking One Large-scale Elementary School in Taichung City for Example

指導教授 : 白子易 王順成


為了因應能源危機、抑制化石能源引發的各種污染以及氣候暖化,加上核能的安全性持續受到質疑,各國趨向發展再生能源作為因應策略,而透過教育培育才是實踐「永續發展」之最佳策略,因小學階段乃是重要的紮根教育,因此研究者參與研發再生能源創新教材,內容包括太陽能、風力發電、水力發電、洋流發電、海洋溫差、生質能、地熱能及潮汐能。 本研究旨在評估學童對再生能源創新教材之學習成效,為達研究目的,以自編之「國小五年級學童對再生能源創新教材學習成效測驗」問卷,對台中市某智類國小五年級學童隨機取樣實驗組與對照組共248人進行問卷調查,透過實驗組實施再生能源創新教材教學前後,對兩組學童施測前、後測問卷,根據施測所得數據,以SPSS統計軟體進行信度、平均數、獨立樣本t檢定、成對樣本t檢定等統計方法進行分析。研究結果如下: 一、獨立樣本t檢定顯示前測總分及四個面向的p值均> 0.05,未達顯著差異,即實驗組與對照組的再生能源先備知識並無顯著差異。而兩組具備相當水準的太陽能先備知識,其他再生能源方面概念最為缺乏;後測總分及四個面向其雙尾顯著性p值「***」已達顯著差異,即實驗組與對照組在施測結果上有顯著差異。實驗組在知識總分、太陽能、風力、生質能、其他再生能源的答對率分別高於對照組23%、17%、24%、18%、36%。而太陽能知識學習吸收得最完備,其他再生能源方面的知識最需再加強學習吸收。 二、對照組成對樣本t 檢定顯示前測對後測t 檢定在總分及四個面向,其雙尾顯著性p值均>0.05,未達顯著差異,故對照組前、後測的平均數沒有顯著差異。顯見只接受一般教科書教學而未接受再生能源創新教材教學之學童,再生能源的知識並無顯著提升。 三、就實驗組成對樣本t 檢定可得知前測對後測t 檢定在總分及四個面向其雙尾顯著性p值「***」已達顯著差異。實驗組前測對後測的平均數在知識總分、太陽能、風力、生質能、其他再生能源分別為-3.34、-0.64、-1.40、-0.52、-0.78,且均為負值,顯示後測高於前測的平均數且有顯著提昇。足見學童對再生能源創新教材之學習成效佳。故再生能源創新教材之施行,可加強現行一般教科書之不足處,以利學童再生能源知識之提昇。 此研究結果可提供日後小學或相關教育單位推廣再生能源教材及課程之參考。 關鍵詞:再生能源、創新教材、學習成效


To respond to energy crisis and inhibit various pollutions and climate warming caused by the consumption of fossil energy, as well as the continuously questioned safety of nuclear energy, various countries around the world have inclined to the development of renewable energies as the coping strategy. The best strategy to implement “sustainable development” is to provide education and training. Because the stage of elementary school is when the most important fundamental education is provided, the author participated in the R&;D of innovative teaching materials of renewable energies, including solar energy, wind power, hydropower, marine current power, ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC), biomass energy, geothermal energy and tidal energy. The main purpose of this study is to assess the learning effectiveness of innovative teaching materials of renewable energies on students. To achieve this purpose, this study used the self-developed questionnaire “Test on Learning Effectiveness of Teaching Materials of Renewable Energies on Grade 5 Elementary School Students” to conduct a questionnaire survey on a total of 248 grade 5 elementary school students at a certain large-scale elementary school in Taichung City who were randomized to the experimental group and control group. The teaching of teaching materials of renewable energies was implemented in the experimental group. This study conducted a pre-test and a post-test on the students in the two groups. This study used the SPSS statistical software and the statistical methods, such as reliability, mean, independent sample t test and paired sample t test, to analyze the data collected from the tests. The research results are as follows: 1.The independent sample t test showed that the p value of the total score and four dimensions of the pre-test was > 0.05, which did not reach a significant difference. In other words, there was no difference in the prior knowledge of renewable energies between the experimental group and control group. The two groups possessed considerable prior knowledge of solar energy and were most deficient in the concepts of other renewable energies. The two-tailed significance p value of the total score and the four dimensions of the post-test was “***,” which reached a significant difference. Therefore, there was a significant difference in the test results between the experimental group and control group. The total score of knowledge and the correct response rate of solar energy, wind power, biomass energy and other renewable energies of the experimental group were higher than those of the control group by 23%, 17%, 24%, 18% and 36%, respectively. The students’ learning and absorption of knowledge on solar energy were most complete, while the learning and absorption of knowledge on other renewable energies needed to be strengthened. 2.The paired sample t test on the control group showed that the two-tailed significance p value of the total score and four dimensions of the pre-test and post-test was >0.05, which did not reach a significant difference. Therefore, there was no significant difference in the mean between the pre-test and post-test of the control group. It could be inferred that the knowledge on renewable energies of the students who only received the teaching of general textbooks and did not receive the teaching of the teaching materials of renewable energies did not increase significantly. 3.The paired sample t test on the experimental group showed that the two-tailed significance p value of the total score and four dimensions of the pre-test and the post-test was “***,” which reached a significant difference. The difference in the mean of the total score of knowledge, solar energy, wind power, biomass energy and other renewable energies of the experimental group between the pre-test and post-test was, -3.34, -0.64, -1.40, -0.52 and -0.78, respectively (all of them were negative values), suggesting that the means of the post-test were higher than those of the pre-test and significantly improved. Therefore, students’ learning effectiveness of innovative teaching materials of renewable energies was good. The implementation of the teaching of innovative teaching materials of renewable resources can make up the deficiencies of the existing general textbooks to facilitate the improvement of students’ knowledge on renewable resources. The research results can be provided as reference to elementary schools or relevant educational unities for the future promotion of teaching materials and curriculum of renewable resources. Keywords: Renewable resources, Innovative Teaching materials, Learning effectiveness.


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