  • 學位論文


The Effect on Studying the Food-Safety Reports in Mass Media by Applying the Percentage Concept in Mathematic Course for the Sixth Graders: A Case Study in an Elementary School in Taichung City

指導教授 : 錢偉鈞


本研究旨在探討國小六年級數學課程中百分率概念應用於學生解讀食品安全報導內容時,男女生之間應用成效有無差異,數學學業成就與應用成效有無相關,以及應用成效等級為何。興起本研究之動機,乃因近年來食品安全議題屢屢躍升為社會重大議題。我國自實施九年一貫課程後,亦隨著世界教育思潮強調教育應與生活連結的概念。本研究在量的研究上,採用描述統計分析、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析等統計方法分析資料,以十二年國教會考成績等級分類法檢驗應用成效之等級。研究對象為臺中市某一市區大型學校14個班級的374名學生,以五上、五下、六上三個學期的數學學業成績平均數為依據,區分成高、中、低三個成就組以進行資料分析。自編測驗卷經難度、鑑別度、信度、效度分析,完成正式填充題測驗卷,以消除學生因猜答而產生的研究誤差。測驗卷答案對與否,非僅以答案對錯為限,計算式正確而計算過程錯誤者仍以答對計分,數字資料後透過SPSS 17及EXCEL軟體進行資料統整與分析。根據研究結果,歸納出下列幾項結論: 一、性別與解讀能力在國小六年級學生將數學課程中百分率概念應用於解讀食品安全報導內容之成效,並未達顯著差異。 二、數學學業成就與國小六年級學生將數學課程中百分率概念應用於解讀食品安全報導內容之成效,全體呈現高度相關,高、中、低各成就組則呈現中度相關。 三、「能解決生活中有關比率、百分率的問題」題型中教科書例行性題型,全體應用成效達基礎以上等級;非教科書例行性題型,全體應用成效僅達待加強等級。 四、「成、分與ppm」題型中,「認識比率概念」的應用成效達中等基礎等級,「計算百分率或部分量」的應用成效偏低。 五、「能報讀圓形圖」題型中,「認識比率概念」的應用成效達基礎等級。 最後根據結果,本研究分別對課程教學者、課程編排者及未來研究者提出建議,以供參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the gender differences, the achievements of learning mathematics, and the quality of effectiveness on studying the food-safety reports in mass media by applying the percentage concept in mathematic course for the sixth graders in the elementary school.The present study was motivated by the food safety issues has become one of the major concerns. Following the society and the world educational trend, education in Taiwan has been emphasized to connect with the students’ daily lives after executing the nine-year integrated curriculum. Quantitative approach including descriptive statistics analysis, One-Way ANOVA and Pearson correlation were used as the experimental instruments in the study. And the level of comprehensive Assessment of 12-year Compulsory Education was used as the effects quality.Participants were 374 students in 14 classes in a large urban elementary school in Taichung city. The average of mathematics academic performance including first semester and second semester of fifth grade, and first semester of sixth grade were analyzed in the study. Students are divided into three different groups named “higher learning level”, “middle learning level” and “lower learning level” based on their achievements in the average of mathematics academic performances.Questionnaire was made by item difficulty and discrimination index first, and all questions are fill-in blank to avoid errors on study to keep the reliability and validity. Answers should include making correct answers and mathematics sentences. SPSS 17th version and EXCEL software were used to analyze the data.According to the findings, summarized the following conclusions: First, the results showed that there is no significant gender and studying-ability differences in the effect of applying the content related to food safety by mass media in the percentage-learning class of six graders in the elementary school. Second, all students showed a high correlation in the mathematics achievements and the effects of using food safety by mass media in percentage-learning class. Students in the higher, middle, and lower learning level showed a moderate correlation each. Third, in "to solve problems related to rate and percentage in daily life", the quality of effectiveness of similar problems in textbook reached the basic level above; the quality of effectiveness of non-similar problems in textbook reached the level of to be strengthened only. Fourth, in questions related to "10%, 1% and ppm", the quality of effectiveness of rate-understanding concept met the mid-basic level. However, to count percentage or partment, the quality of effectiveness met the low level. Fifth, in questions related to "read and explain pie chart", the quality of effectiveness of rate-understanding concept met the basic level. Based on the results, several suggestions were offered to the elementary school teachers, material editors and further researchers respectively.


