  • 學位論文


The Study of the Effect on Remedy Education for Elementary School Students with Poor Achievement in Multiplication.

指導教授 : 魏宗明


本研究旨在探討國小數學乘法低成就學童補救教學成效,研究者對四年級學童進行學前測驗及訪談,從測驗和訪談中了解研究對象的乘法解題歷程,並從解題歷程中發現其乘法學習困難,然後針對其乘法學習困難項目進行補救教學。   本研究以行動研究法進行,以任教之補救教學班的四年級3名數學乘法低成就學童為對象,進行為期8週,每週3節,共23節課(第8週為2節課)的補救教學。研究者透過紙筆測驗、教學日誌、學生訪談、教學省思札記等資料進行分析,研究結果如下: 一、乘法低成就學童在五項解題歷程中,未完全正確使用「題目判讀」、「解題策略選擇」與「解題計算」三個歷程,且完全未使用「確立答案」及「驗證」此兩項歷程。 二、乘法低成就學童的學習困難主要在「數學乘法知識性困難」方面,特別是「不知道運算規則」與「無法理解題目的文字敍述」,至於在「數學乘法計算困難」方面則沒有問題。 三、乘法低成就學童在經過補救教學後,乘法成就有所提升,補救教學有明顯之成效。在乘法文字應用題之題目判讀、解題計算、學習成就皆有明顯進步。   最後,並根據研究結果對從事補救教學教師與後續研究者提出若干建議。 關鍵字:數學低成就學童、乘法解題歷程、補救教學


The purpose of this study was to explore whether or not remedy education work for elementary poor achievement students on their multiplication operation of mathematics. Each participant received a math test and an interview from the researcher. By testing and interviewing them, it was easier to find out the learning difficulties of doing multiplication in the process. Remedy education helped the participants discover the learning difficulties of doing multiplication. This study adopted action research method. The participants were 3 forth-grade poor math achievement primary students from current remedy class. There were totally 23 remedy education in 8 weeks. Each week had three courses. The researcher obtained the data by writing teaching journals and reflections, and delivering math writing tests, interviews as well as learning feedback sheets. The results have been analyzed as follows: 1. During the process of doing 5 multiplication math questions, poor achievement students didn't understand the questions correctly. Neither the strategies of problems judgments, solving methods selection and calculation, nor the process of lack of confirmed answers and verification were not used. 2. The main problem of elementary school students with Poor achievement is the difficulty of multiplication knowledge, especially unknowing calculating rules and could not understand what the question is describing. For the part of actual calculation, there is no problem of it. 3. After taking remedy education, elementary school students with poor achievement have improved their multiplication skills. Remedy education were obviously helpful. It shows obvious improvements on problems judgments, calculation and study achievements parts. At the end, in accordance with the results of remedy education, the researcher provides several suggestions to those teachers who were involved in remedy education. Keywords: Elementary School Students with Poor Achievement in Mathematics, Multiplication with the Process of Problem Solving, Remedy Education.


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