  • 學位論文


A Study of Consumer Willingness to Adopt Innovative Product - In the Case of Mobile Tablet

指導教授 : 嚴國慶


創新的科技產品一直都是吸引大眾目光及消費的重要指標商品,近年來隨著通訊無線網路的普及,使智慧性通訊設備及無線上網裝置更貼近消費者的使用需求,產生了通話型平板電腦的市場,它有替代智慧性手機及筆記型電腦的便利性,具有更大的螢幕顯示效果、更長效的電池使用時間,並結合無線上網功能,可隨時隨地進行網頁的瀏覽及更多的雲端串連服務。 本研究主旨在探討消費者購買通話型平板電腦時,對創新接受程度、新產品屬性及環境變數對應消費者採用意願之影響關係以逛購神腦國際門市之顧客為研究樣本,實施問卷調查,搜集實證分析所需資料,並以所獲得顧客(n = 300)之創新接受程度、新產品屬性、環境變數及採用意願等量表,深入探討其間的影響關係。研究結果主要發現:(1) 消費者對於創新接受度與採用意願,存在顯著正相關,即提昇創新產品接受度,將有助於增強消費者採用意願。(2)消費者對於新產品的屬性與採用意願,存在顯著正相關,即提昇新產品的屬性,將有助於增強消費者之採用意願。(3)消費者對於環境變數與採用意願,存在顯著正相關,即提昇環境變數中的社會支持,有助於增強其採用意願。


Innovative products have been drawing consumers’ attention in the market for the period of time, and also the most leading good in the rest. In recent years, the prominence of wireless communication network has made smart communication device and wireless internet more accessible to consumers’ demands, cultivating the market of Mobile Tablet. With the convenience of the smart phone and laptop, it could also access to wireless internet with more cloud services and surf the website at anytime anywhere. Not to mention the bigger display screen and long-lasting battery capacities. The main idea of this thesis is to study the relation among innovation acceptance, attributes of innovative product and environment variables to consumers’ willing of acceptance when going shopping at Senao retail stores. To study the relation among innovation acceptance, attributes of innovative product and environment variables to consumers’ willing of acceptance, we conduct questionnaire survey to sum up enough data to analyze the correlation of all variables. In this study we have some findings as follows: (1)The correlation between innovation acceptance and consumers’ willing of acceptance is positive, which means by enhancing the innovation acceptance could improve consumers’ willing of acceptance. (2) The correlation between attributes of innovative product and consumers’ willing of acceptance is positive , which means by improving the attributes of innovative product could increase consumers’ willing of acceptance.(3) The correlation between environment variables and consumers’ willing of acceptance is positive, which means by increasing the social supports could enhance consumers’ willing of acceptance.


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