  • 學位論文


Construct Brand Strategies for Caotun-Rice in view of Innovative Business Model

指導教授 : 李宗政


摘要   台灣稻米市場上品牌眾多,加上高價日本米、以及平價泰國米與越南米的輸入,台灣食用米市場可謂是百家爭鳴。但花東地區憑藉著優質土壤、清淨水源與無工業汙染疑慮的絕對優勢,受到消費者青睞。 面對食用米市場中各式各樣的品牌,各家都說自己的好,加上眾多比賽的結果,市場得獎的食用米品牌不勝枚舉,不免令人有老王賣瓜自賣自誇之嫌。就本研究的探討個案:「草屯米」而言,該如何建立個別之競爭優勢,方能與市場中眾多品牌一較上下。因此,將以台灣稻米的領頭羊-池上米作為本研究的標竿,藉此擬訂草屯米產銷管理之創新經營模式,進而擘劃出再造草屯米價值之三項改善行動方案,讓草屯米能成為消費者心目中台灣西岸稻米的領先品牌。   本研究提出之第一行動方案,是藉由農村再生的教育與輔導機制,讓草屯稻農們了解品牌稻米的價值從何而來,讓稻農們能作到認同與愛護草屯米這個品牌,進而讓稻農們重視稻米的生產品質,並確實利用農會建構的生產履歷系統,記錄各項用藥、施肥的完整耕作紀錄,並結合QR code碼貼紙貼於包裝上,讓消費者了解草屯米栽種過程中的完整資訊。第二行動方案則是讓草屯農會與地方社團共同保護草屯米的生產環境,特別針對純淨的合歡山泉水與當地土壤,透過草屯農會結合在地居民的共同管理與定期檢驗,維護草屯米種植區無工業汙染之潔淨土質。最後,第三行動方案是制定出草屯米的田間管理規範與檢驗機制,並結合上述二項行動方案之執行成效以建構出草屯米專屬品牌標章的市場價值,最重要的,必須能夠藉此標章用以彰顯草屯地區稻農的栽種品質,將是本研究提出之三項改善行動方案的核心價值。 關鍵字:草屯米、生產履歷、田間管理、創新經營模式。


Abstract   The Taiwan rice market is in chaos condition, there are not only many breeds and brands of local rice, also lots of imported rice, included the high value Japanese rice and economical Thai rice. However, the rice grown in eastern Taiwan is very welcome by customers with the highest prices in Taiwan rice market, because the rice was under the strictest quality control of cultivating processes in no industrial pollution environment. In this study, we had constructed the brand strategies of the “Caotun Rice” by means of designing the innovative business model under considering to follow the cultivating methods and conditions of the best rice in eastern Taiwan. Thus, we have listed three action plans to achieve the competitive advantages of “Caotun Rice” to be the best rice brand in western Taiwan. The First action plan is to educate the rice-farmers to understand the rice price which was dependent on the quality control of cultivating processes, so they have to adopt the “Traceable Agriculture Product” to proof the cultivated quality of “Caotun Rice”. The Second action plan is to organize the association with local public agency to protect the irrigation water resources and the irrigation trenches of “Caotun Rice”. To summarize of the above two action plans, the last suggestion is to establish a “Caotun Rice” brand certification system and identification methods to create the brand value of “Caotun Rice”. Key Words: Caotun-Rice, Traceable Agriculture Product, the Quality Control of Cultivating Process, the Innovative Business Model.


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