  • 學位論文


The Study of Facilitating Transferring Experience in Delivering Outdoor Adventure Experiential Education Programs with High Risk Youth

指導教授 : 陳馨馨


本研究的發想,源自於多年前擔任戶外冒險體驗教育方案之觀察者時,對於活動內社工員與引導員的互動與分工方式感到好奇所致。社工員在活動內是否能有更大的著力點?社工員與引導員之間,能否有更密切的互動與合作關係?此外,研究者亦始終相信,活動是手段,反思、歸納、與應用才是目的,是否能透過研究產生有關反思、歸納之建議工作模式?透過上述好奇與疑問,本研究便孕育而生。 本研究使用質性研究,邀請具執行高關懷青少年戶外冒險體驗教育方案經驗之社工員與引導員進行深度訪談,其中4位為具引導員身份之社工員,5位為專業之引導員。 本研究結論大致可歸納為下列四點: 一、方案目的、帶領反思、進行歸納,是社工員與引導員在帶領高關懷青少年進行戶外冒險體驗教育方案過程中,最須謹記於心的原則與工作內容。 二、具有各種帶領反思與歸納的原則與方法,須適時結合理論與工具進行。 三、若社工員能同時擔任引導員,其規劃與帶領的方案內容,更能契合高關懷青少年的服務目標,反思與歸納內容也更能貼近其日常生活。 四、社工員與引導員的分工合作部份,引導員可帶領活動內容,社工員可帶領活動後之反思與歸納,是較佳的方式。 研究建議部份,本研究統整研究發現與研究討論,提出實務工作建議,以及未來研究建議,分別如下: 一、實務工作建議 (一)實務工作中運用理論架構的重要性 (二)青少年領域社工員可多涉獵與使用戶外冒險體驗教育方案 (三)社工員比一般引導員更適合擔任引導員角色 (四)反思、歸納與應用是唯一目的 (五)引導員帶活動、社工員帶反思,是最好的分工方式 (六)能多增加專門以戶外冒險體驗教育方案為主要服務項目的社會福利機構 二、未來研究建議 (一)可納入其他工作角色進行探討 (二)可納入更多一般青少年社會福利機構進行探討 (三)可透過高關懷青少年本身瞭解反思與歸納等引導轉移成效 關鍵字:高關懷青少年、戶外冒險體驗教育方案、引導轉移、反思、歸納


This study was derived from my curiosity on the interaction and division between social workers and facilitators when I served as an observer of outdoor adventure experiential education program many years ago. Whether social workers can possess more action points in activities? Is there any more intimacy interaction and cooperation between social workers and facilitators? In addition, researchers always believe that activities are the tools, while reflection, generalizing, and application are the purposes. So, can suggested work patterns of reflection and generalizing be produce by this study? Due to the curiosity and questions mentioned above, this study emerged. The study adopted qualitative research, four social workers who served as facilitators and five professional facilitators were invited to conduct in-depth interview about their experience of learning in outdoor adventure experiential education program with high risk youths. The results of this study can be generalized into following four points: 1.Program purpose, leading reflection, and generalizing are three main principles and work contents of the social workers and facilitators when leading high risk youths’ outdoor adventure experiential education program. 2.All kinds of principles and methods that involved in leading reflection and generalizing should be supplemented by theoretical tools. 3.If social workers can serve as facilitators at the same time, their plans and leading program contents must be closer to the serve purposes of high risk youths and the contents of reflection and generalizing are closer to daily life. 4.In the cooperation and division parts, facilitators leading the content of activities while social workers leading reflection and generalizing is the best combination. For the suggestion part, this study generalized research findings and discussions to put forward suggestions for practical work and future researches, as follows: 1. Suggestions for practical work (1)The importance of applying theoretical framework in practical work. (2)Social workers in youths’ area should contact and use outdoor adventure experiential education program as much as possible. (3)Social workers are more suitable than general facilitators to serve as facilitators. (4)Reflection, generalizing, and application are the only purposes. (5)Facilitators leading activities while social workers leading reflection is the best way of division. (6)Social welfare institutions, which mainly serve in outdoor adventure experiential education program, should be increased. 2. Suggestions for future researches (1)Other working roles can be added into discussion. (2)More social welfare institutions for general youth should be taken into account. (3)Understanding efficiency of facilitating transfer, such as reflection, generalizing and so on, through high risk youth. Key words: High Risk Youth, Outdoor Adventure Experiential Education Programs, Facilitating Transfer, Reflection, Generalizing


