  • 學位論文


Financial holding companies back office employees transferred to the field staff for adaptive research – C Life Insurance Co.

指導教授 : 王 言 博士 金鐵英 博士


政府於民國九十年開放金融業可成立『金融控股公司』,當時許多的壽險公司,紛紛成立金融控股公司,也有許多銀行,像是台新銀,中信銀…等,也成立金融控股公司,國泰人壽保險股份有限公司也不落人後,結合了關係企業:國泰世紀產險股份有限公司及國泰世華銀行,於90年12月31日,成立了國泰金融控股公司,新光人壽亦同樣成立了新光金控。 在此同時,C人壽公司面對外在激烈的競爭,企業獲利降低,經營陷入困境,內部組織也悄悄的進行改造,半鼓勵、半威逼內勤人員轉任外勤職務,給予二年遞減式薪資補助,第三年起即依外勤效率核薪,新的薪資可能高於或低於原來薪資,當然大多數轉任同仁的薪資,一定是低於原來薪資,這也是公司鼓勵內勤人員轉任外勤職務的主要目的:可降低人事成本,又可增加公司的業務部隊,一舉數得。 我們皆知道,每個人的人格屬性皆不同,可能受成長的環境、學校敎育、家庭背景或遺傳基因……等影響,而有所不同,有些人喜歡內勤工作,另有些人卻喜好外勤工作,所以公司在進行組織改造時,須考慮到的因素很多,本研究希望藉由針對轉任人員的問卷調查,來瞭解轉任人員的內心惑受及轉任後的適應性,以及轉任人員的存活率是否受到人格特質、轉任後的敎育訓練、公司提供資源的多寡、工作壓力的大小、轉任後所接任的轄區中人員素質的優劣及其他因素的影響。 綜上所述,本文之研究目的整理如下: 一、 轉任人員本身的人格特質與轉任後的適應性是否有關聯。 二、 轉任後的敎育訓練對轉任後的適應性是否有關聯。 三、 公司能提供的資源多寡對轉任後的適應性是否有關聯。 四、 工作壓力的大小對轉任後的適應性是否有關聯。 五、 轉任後所接任的轄區中人員素質的優劣對轉任後的適應性是否有關聯。 六、 其他因素對轉任後的適應性是否有關聯。


This study analyzes a position switch from office works to sales works for the employees of a selected life insurance company in Taiwan. The purpose is to understand how and what factors affect the personal adaptability for such position switch. A qualitative questionnaire was conducted to investigate those who had suffered the position switch. It is well known that the attributes of individual’s personality are different, and might be influenced by his growing environment, including family, education, and friends or genetic heritage. That is, some people like to work in office, but others prefer fieldwork. When a company reorganizes the structure and enforces position switch for employees, many factors are needed to be take into account. It is essential for the management to understand what kinds of the difficulties should be faced by transferring staffs, their transferred adaptability, survival rate of personality traits, the transferred trainings provided, the amount of accessible resources, the working climate, the pros and cons of the quality of personnel took-over from the transferred area and other factors. The study focuses on these factors above. Results from a case study show that the adaptability are close relating to personalities, sale training and supporting resources.


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