  • 學位論文


A Research on Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention of protection social workers

指導教授 : 陳玫伶


公部門保護性社工人員是一群代表政府執行公權力的人,工作有其特殊性,而研究者本身又曾從事保護性工作四年之久。因此,研究者以公部門保護性社工人員為研究對象,企圖以數據方式說明公部門保護性社工人員的工作特殊性以及探討影響公部門保護性社工人員組織承諾或離職意向的因素,最後以逐步迴歸與區別分析方法,瞭解各因素對於組織承諾與離職意向預測解釋力。 本研究參考組織承諾預測模式,設計出公部門保護性社工人員組織承諾與離職意向之研究架構圖,並由研究者自身經驗設計問卷以及採用國內外相關量表加以修改。本研究發現有高達三成七的公部門保護性社工人員在未來一年內有想離開組織的想法,另外研究也顯示公部門保護性社工人員組織承諾越低則離職意向越高。 在逐步迴歸部分,研究顯示角色模糊、角色衝突、工作回饋性、工作活用性、社工師證書與社會工作年資等因素,對於組織承諾有三成八的解釋力,也就是說減少角色模糊與角色衝突,給予工作回饋與工作活用性是有利提升保護性社工人員的組織承諾。另外,在區別分析部分,婚姻狀況、角色壓力、工作特徵與組織承諾四個自變項可以有效區別保護性社工人員離職意向,其區別力高達約七成五,其中標準化典型區別函數中,以組織承諾與角色壓力函數值最高,因此可作為組織改善離職意向首選因素。 最後,研究者依據上述研究結果進行討論以及提出相關建議。期待這些建議可作為中央與地方政府改善公部門保護性社工人員的工作環境的依據,以提升公部門保護性社工人員的組織承諾以及減少離職意向的產生。


Protection social workers in public sectors refer to the group who perform social authority of the government. The researcher of this study, who has been a protection social worker for four years, attempted to statistically explain the special traits and assessed the elements that might influence the organizational commitment and turnover intentions of protection social workers. Finally, this study would explore the predictability of different elements on organizational commitment and turnover intentions through stepwise regression and discriminant analysis. The study is based on the prediction mode of protection social workers’ organizational commitment and turnover intentions. The researcher devises a questionnaire according to his own experience related questionnaires in domestic and foreign studies. This study finds that up to 37 percent of protection social workers intend to resign in the coming year, and that the lower organizational commitment is, the higher turnover intention will be. In terms of stepwise regression, this study finds that elements such as role ambiguity, role conflict, task feedback, task flexibility, the possession of social worker certificate and working years contribute to 38 percent of predictability for organizational commitment. That is, to efficiently promote the organizational commitment of protection social workers, the best ways are to reduce role ambiguity and role conflict, and to enhance task feedback and task flexibility. In addition, in terms of discriminant analysis, marital status, role pressure, job characteristic and organizational commitment can distinguish the turnover intentions of social workers with a predictability up to 75 percent accuracy. In standard discriminant analysis, organizational commitment and role pressure have the highest function, which can serve as the top priority for social organizations to improve the turnover intentions. Finally, the researcher will propose some discussions and suggestions based on the findings of this study. He hopes the result of this study can provide a direction for both central and regional administrations to improve the working conditions of protection social workers so as to enhance their organizational commitment and reduce their turnover intentions.




