  • 學位論文


Study of problems and improvements of building facility needs for senior citizens in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張子修


本研究是探討銀髮族對建築需求所面對的問題及改善的方法,主要是參考世界先進國家的做法,和台灣目前老人住宅設計的問題,做為改善台灣養老建築或是機構的參考。研究發現台灣私立的銀髮族住宅,在智慧型的大樓與電腦結合的照護系統,在優美廣大的公設環境及小而美的房間中,也考量到老人避難時心理狀態的逃生設計,運用五星級飯店式的住宅管理,高度的照明或採光,無障礙空間的設計。 本研究亦發現以下問題: 在政府的政策方面: 1.改善銀髮族住宅產業,和社會福利背道而馳的問題。2.國民保險納入長期照護並分時段照護老人的問題。3.國內資源分配不均,如退輔會及榮民之家的再生問題。 在住宅內部的管理方面: 1.建立老人管理居住環境標準守則的問題。2.電腦化,安全性,避難逃生及老人再教育的問題。3.老人心理學的問題。 在住宅硬體的建設方面: 1.老人建築公共區域廣大私人領域集中的問題。2.智慧綠建築及無障礙空間的問題。3.逃生設備完備的問題。 另外,在銀髮族建築公共運動區應廣大,私人領域要集中,應重視綠建築及智慧科技建築,保障無障礙空間及逃生設備的完備,並著重老人緊急逃生心理建設及開辦再教育課程,並參考先進國家的老年住宅規則,以解決台灣所面臨的老年居住問題。


This research is to explore the problems of geriatric and improve the quality of nursing home’s building facility , the main reference come from the advanced countries in the world for improve Nursing home’s building facility in Taiwan. The research found that Taiwan''s private nursing home is too price and affordable to most seniors; thus private sector alone cannot solve living accommodation problem. Modern nursing home needs intelligent type and Tele care system, beautiful of vastly commons and small but cozy rooms, emergency exits designed with the geriatric psychological consider, five-star hotel-style residential management, high quality automate of design and smart lighting system of convenient accessibly for handicap people Young people has high pressure from aging population in Taiwan, Therefore .young people do not want to have their baby, do not want to raise their children, Taiwan government should take care the young people and their geriatric in difficulties encountered at home. The geriatric has to resettle at home, because young people need to work and cannot take care of their geriatric, most of the unfortunate events that is the geriatric to fall over at home. If the government wants to manage public or private of nursing home or institutional, Taiwan government should flexible way to take care of the geriatric .For example, let the geriatric to get in nursing home to take care of them by temporary, half-day, or care of all day. Most of geriatric problem can be solved by social insurance that is Taiwan government need to do it.


2. 曾中明(2006)台灣老人福利概況及政策展望。台灣老年醫學雜誌第1卷第3期112-121頁。
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7. 陳淑嬌(2006)民間團體與政府機關的資源的統合運用老人住宅為例。台灣經濟研究月刊第29卷第9期60-64頁 。
9. 郭曉茹,黃崇哲(2007)民間參與老人住宅建設之現況與檢討。台灣經濟研究月刊第30卷第9期34-38頁。
10. 簡君芳(2008)從經營管理觀點檢討高齡者住宅政策與相關法令之研究。台北科技大學建築與都市設計研究所碩士學位論文。


Lin, S. Y. (2014). RFID應用於住商混合型住宅環境之老年人定位搜尋法 -以高雄市新興區浩然里為例- [master's thesis, Chung Yuan Christian University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201400136
